Tennessee Makes Proprietors of Gun-Free Zones Responsible For Injury While Disarmed

Not often, but a few times a year, when I’m feeling ornery, I’ll see a “No Guns” sign on a store, go in and load up a shopping cart and wheel it up to the front. I ask for the store manager and ask about the “No Guns” sign, then say I’ll do business elsewhere and leave the cart and walk out the door. One guy said it was corporate policy but all the rest never said a word.

My small contribution.
Not often, but a few times a year, when I’m feeling ornery, I’ll see a “No Guns” sign on a store, go in and load up a shopping cart and wheel it up to the front. I ask for the store manager and ask about the “No Guns” sign, then say I’ll do business elsewhere and leave the cart and walk out the door. One guy said it was corporate policy but all the rest never said a word.

My small contribution.

I did this at CVS about 6 years ago when they got rid of cigarettes (before the MA ban on pharmacies selling them).

I loaded my cart with chips, cheese curls, ice cream, soda, chocolate, candy, donuts, cheeze whiz, dipping queso, some banquet fried chicken, a box of stouffers mac & cheese, a frozen pizza, etc and went up to the front... I asked the manager for a pack of Marlboros and was told they no longer sold cigarettes. I asked why, and she said it was a new company policy that "cigarettes are unhealthy and have no business being sold by a health care provider" (or some approximation of that - this was their advertised tagline in their marketing campaign; I was banking on them being programmed to say it).

I saccharinely (no sarcasm in my tone) thanked her for making my decisions for me, told her I'd just been inspired to quit smoking forever, and gestured to my cart and said "Well, this stuff is unhealthy too, so it'd be irresponsible of you to sell it to me I guess, being that you're a healthcare provider and so concerned about my wellbeing. Hey, at least it's all in a cart so you can wheel it out to the dumpster! Have a nice day!"

I'd like to hope they spent all day putting that shit back on the shelf. No, I don't care why what I did was "wrong" or affected some baseline employee.
Next thing you know, a baker will be sued out of business for not baking a cake for a gay wedding.

Since the left has started trampling the property rights of the conservatives, it's time for the lefties to feel it too. Is this right, or fair? Nope. But if you hang a "No firearms" sign in your business, I'm going to make the assessment that you are an anti-gun lefty, and may all the plagues of the Old Testament befall you.
Punch Back Twice as Hard Dept.​

I'd actually have written a different law.

No transfer of liability.
Instead, binding signage requires:
  • Ample free storage for handguns, with no ID check.
  • Separate expedited entry/exit lanes for gun owners (you shouldn't have to wait in line to exercise your civil rights).
  • Armed guards behind bulletproof glass controlling turnstile/magnetometers at all venue entrances, including loading docks and other service doors.
  • All other portals remote alarmed and locked, with anti-counterflow gating (so no one can stash guns just outside a fire door, enter cleanly past the guards, and kick open the fire door to grab them).
  • Ground floor windows bulletproof or barred.
Feel free to add to the list.
  • ETA: No tax write-offs or block grants for any of this. That would be an insult to the founding fathers.
Any enterprise should be able to refit modest buildings to the legal standard for seven figures, plus six figures per year ongoing expense for guard salaries, etc. Anyone really concerned about guns should have no problems mortgaging themselves up to the eyeballs to pay for this. After all, it's for the chillldren.
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