"Suspects" in Leominster Home Invasion Receive Reduced Sentences

Nov 14, 2005
New Ipswich, Finn-Land
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I wonder what the Mendolusky's sentences would've been if they'd been armed at the time of the invasion and put these pieces of shit on the coroner's slab where they belonged:


Schmuck and Fontaine's alleged accomplices -- Dustin Underhill, 19, of 52 Mount Vernon St. in Fitchburg; James Brisebois, 18, of 13 Sarri Parkway; and Alexandro Valentin, 18, of 33 Salem St. -- all received probationary sentences for their role in the crime, according to Connolly.

"That's pretty cheesy right there," said Jason Mendolusky, the husband of the victim.

Five teens plead guilty to charges related to home invasion, assault
By Damien Fisher
Sentinel & Enterprise
Article Launched:12/20/2007 10:00:56 AM EST

LEOMINSTER -- Five Fitchburg teens pleaded guilty Wednesday in Worcester Superior Court to charges related to the assault of a Leominster woman in her home last December.

Brian Fontaine, 19, of 49 Beech St. in Fitchburg, and Joshua Schmuck, 18, of 265 Mount Vernon St. in Fitchburg, were sentenced to a year in jail for allegedly forcing their way into a Leominster woman's house, according to the district attorney's office. Once inside the home, the two also brandished a silver and black BB gun that looked like a semi-automatic pistol, the victim's husband said.

Tim Connolly, spokesman for Worcester County District Attorney Joe Early Jr., said Fontaine and Schmuck received credit for time served since their Dec. 22, 2006, arrest and should be released from jail soon.

Schmuck and Fontaine's alleged accomplices -- Dustin Underhill, 19, of 52 Mount Vernon St. in Fitchburg; James Brisebois, 18, of 13 Sarri Parkway; and Alexandro Valentin, 18, of 33 Salem St. -- all received probationary sentences for their role in the crime, according to Connolly.

"That's pretty cheesy right there," said Jason Mendolusky, the husband of the victim.

Mendolusky said all five of the teens ought to serve jail time.

"It's unfortunate they're not going to be doing any time," he said.

Mendolusky said Fontaine and Schmuck entered their Pleasant Street house on Friday, Dec. 22, last year, after telling his wife they were having car trouble and needed to use her phone.

Schmuck knocked the phone out of her hand and Fontaine knocked her to the ground and brandished the BB gun, Mendolusky said.

His wife did not stay, instead she took off running out of the house to seek help, Mendolusky said.

"She just ran off and that foiled them pretty quick," he said.

Police reported that nothing was taken from the house and the group was arrested a short time later as they drove on Main Street.

Fontaine and Schmuck each received 2 1/2-year sentences by pleading guilty to a breaking and entering charge, Connolly said.

Judge John S. McCann ordered they serve one year and have the remaining year and a half suspended during a three-year probation, Connolly said.

Schmuck and Fontaine each received three years probation on an assault and battery charge and an assault with intent to commit a felony charge. That probation will run concurrently with the probation received for the breaking and entering charge, Connolly said.

McCann dismissed the home invasion charge against both Fontaine and Schmuck as part of the plea agreement and the armed assault in a dwelling charge is placed on file after the guilty plea, Connolly said.

Underhill, Valentin and Brisebois, facing identical charges, received three years probation on the breaking and entering, assault and battery charge and assault with intent to commit a felony charges, while the armed assault with intent to commit a felony was placed on file and the home invasion charge was dismissed, Connolly said.
For f***s sake. You get caught with an oz of pot, your ass is in jail. You carry out a home invasion, terrify the occupants and this shit happens!!!! WTF!!!!
Stunning. And folks wonder why the law appears to be little deterrent to violent crime. Even if the chances of getting caught are high, the punishment is modest to say the least.
This pisses me off!
The tuth is that these "teens" will only get cockier next time and will eventually get what they deserve (hopefully an ass-raping... or worse).
Now, I am not a violent man.... (depending on who you talk to), but God have mercy to the one who brings trouble to my front door..... because I won't!
Have a good one guys!
10 bucks says any of the aboves names appear in fitchburg/leominster
police logs again within a year of their release. [rolleyes]

At this point I don't know why the police even bother, given that
the system in this state basically slaps them on the wrist when it
comes time to sentence them.

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One year till they're out. OK, calendar marked.

ETA: Whoa, just re-read it ... time served & released soon ... great job Justice.
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Schmuck (pejorative), an insulting term

Schmuck,a Yiddish word, has a range of meaning depending on context. In its most innocuous use, a schmuck is a person who does a stupid thing, in which case “dumb schmuck” is the appropriate expression.

A schmuck's behavior ranges from pesky and inconsiderate, to obnoxious and manipulative. A schmuck's personality type ranges from jerk to bastard.

Soooo, a bastard of a Schmuck brings a toy gun to a home invasion, homeowner has a real gun and shoots said Schmuck.

(Oh if only he had ! )
Stoopid Schmuck ! [slap]
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I live in this area - do you guys think that writing to my state rep & senator is worthwhile to express my dismay at this?
I live in this area - do you guys think that writing to my state rep & senator is worthwhile to express my dismay at this?

Maybe.... maybe if everyone that was outraged made noise about
it, something might get done...

On the other hand, I'm pretty skeptical. Even if our legislators
"agree" with us, and try to do something, they might get "outgunned"
by the moonbat liberal types inside 128. Then you
have uhaul patrick at the top who, by my guess, isn't about to
sign a bill, say, that would create mandatory minimums for certain

I don't blame the defense attorney for seeking a plea bargain. He/she is doing their job. The judge is the real focus of my attention. He exercised poor judgment by not refusing the pea bargain and throwing the book at them.
No fear of punishment: check.
Violent tendencies: check.
Home invasion: check.
Rape and murder: coming soon.

I live in this area - do you guys think that writing to my state rep & senator is worthwhile to express my dismay at this?

ABSOLUTELY it is worthwhile.

You might want to mention your frustration at the fact that judges are selected for life and not elected, therefore there is no mechanism for REMOVING such idiots as this Judge John McCann. Our judges should be elected to terms, just like the legistraitors, so we can vote them OUT if need be.
ABSOLUTELY it is worthwhile.

You might want to mention your frustration at the fact that judges are selected for life and not elected, therefore there is no mechanism for REMOVING such idiots as this Judge John McCann. Our judges should be elected to terms, just like the legistraitors, so we can vote them OUT if need be.

Or impeached by the Legiscritters who need to appease the mob.
The problem is even when they make them clear... the little bastards are spray painting them black.
And criminals are also painting their real guns orange to look like BB guns. I consider them to be all the same to me and will return with equal or greater force to stop the threat :)
Well, at least they cannot legally possess firearms: Since they have been convicted, there is no way they can legally purchase a firearm. Thus we should all sleep well at night knowing our legal system is doing their job, and knowing I will never have to worry about these fine gentleman anymore.

"All is well!"
You're right, we should ban BB guns then. Or spray-paint.

Sorry zOmbi, what I was getting at was more like what NWanner was saying...

"And criminals are also painting their real guns orange to look like BB guns. I consider them to be all the same to me and will return with equal or greater force to stop the threat :) "

Not my intention to come off as rude or sarcastic... Have a good one!
I don't blame the defense attorney for seeking a plea bargain. He/she is doing their job. The judge is the real focus of my attention. He exercised poor judgment by not refusing the pea bargain and throwing the book at them.

How can you refuse a plea bargain? The judge is very to make the sure that law is fairly applied. It is in general considered poor form by the public for a judge to reject an agreement made between the District Attorney and the defendant.

I would consider voting for a different DA. I would also write the DA and let their office know about a new candidate winning the next election.
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