Summer Camp (Perry)


NES Member
May 6, 2005
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0
Here's a few pics from this year.
Me and my hut. Right off of Commercial Row.

Mark Del Cotta with his new National record 200-20X at 600yds shot on the firing point next to me (do I get partial credit for that, somehow?)

One of the many rain delays/range evacuations. That's Julia Watson with the umbrella.

Slight drainage problem.

Trying to dry things out.
You guys got the good huts!


I thought it was quite nice. But, oh my God, the heat!
I can stand the 90's for a day or so, but the high 90's and humidity to match is tough to take. The nights did cool down to the frigid mid-80's though.
It is hard to shoot 600 when your head is trying to explode out of your skull from the heat.

Sounds like you had a good time. Did your credit card survive?

Wasn't a whole lot left on commercial row. Got a couple jugs of powder and some other assorted stuff. Champion's Choice had a good deal on their brand of spotting scopes, so a few of us grabbed one as a spare. Harry got a nice, brand new fuel pump for the Suburban, too (he got that in Erie, PA, but they weren't having a special on them).

I had a great time. Overall my shooting really sucked. I did have a decent 600yd score in the Army Cup Match (tried the "Line of White" hold we talked about, and it worked!), but that's about it.

Jose, if you are reading this; how in the Christ can you live in that heat???
Thats awesome Pat! Glad you had a great time!

Yea, the heat sucks there. Was just a tad bit cooler than last year :) Still, when I was there the first week, it was windy as hell, but on tuesday afternoon thru Friday, it got up to 100 and humid.

So! How did you do?!??!
So! How did you do?!??!

Do you enjoy hearing me repeat myself when I say how much I suck at Highpower?

Aside from the one decent score I had in the Army Cup Match (197-10X, good enough for second in Civilian Service Rifle, Master), I tanked everything.

Can't wait till next year!

You coming up for the Maine State Service Rifle match? They have a Bushmaster that is being raffled off.

Hell you could make a MasterCard commercial out of it.

Entry fees for the National Matches $60
Match grade ammo $200
Match grade service rifle $1500
Making a 900 mile trip to shoot the most important match of the year only to shoot like an a**h***... Priceless.
Well you have to shoot all the 7s, 8s and 9s out of the gun before it will preform the way it should. You know, sort of like seasoning the barrel.

Hell you could make a MasterCard commercial out of it.

Entry fees for the National Matches $60
Match grade ammo $200
Match grade service rifle $1500
Making a 900 mile trip to shoot the most important match of the year only to shoot like an a**h***... Priceless.

You forgot "Spend a full week of precious vacation time..... Uncalculable"
You forgot "Spend a full week of precious vacation time..... Uncalculable"

Pat when you're right you're right!

But as we all know that week is spent with an awesome bunch of guys and well worth it no matter how shitty you shoot! [wink]
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