Suggestions for a cracked handguard


NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 29, 2008
South Shore, MA
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I finally got to the range and put 45 rounds out of my 1943 SS bnz 98k. Good news [smile]; all shots on the paper and not one missed. Also good news [grin], none of the white crayon ran from the receiver or barrel, even when too hot to hold.


Sippican Gun Club
45 rounds 1978 Yugo 8mm surplus
100 yards, sitting, no rest

Bad news [crying]: as the stock heated, I noticed the handguard beginning to separate from the rear along the grain (it is a numbers matching walnut stock and handguard). Returning home, after the stock had cooled, the wood closed back most of the way.



Any suggestions on how to support/repair the crack? I assume I should seal it from the inside...Gorilla glue? Elmer's wood glue? The crack is only half way up the arm guard, so I assume I should not shoot it again until I stabilize it so it won't crack all the way through and split.

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Take it off and clean the underside well with thinner or denatured alcohol. Then separate the crack gently and squeeze a bead of super glue gel inside. Scrape away any excess and let it dry a day before putting it back on.
I've fixed many stocks this way and never had a problem with them oppening back up.
I agree with cleaning with denatured alcohol, but would suggest using an epoxy resin, the longer drying the better, than any type of cyano based glue.
Cyano types are very brittle types of glue with poor gap filling ability.
Epoxy resins will fill gaps and are flexible, wood being subject to flexing and moving with humidity change, will handle those changes better.
I'm going to second JohnFH's sugggestion. Superglue is strong but very brittle. An epoxy will, I think, last you much longer.
Well, I combined the advice; cleaning with denatured alcohol, and using something I had around the house called liquid nails. We'll see what happens tomorrow morning.

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