Store clerk guns down shoplifter over four packs of Red Bull, Indiana cops say: Charged with Murder

Vodka cleans up the taste pretty well.

That’s even more disgusting. But it does bring up another point. Who steal red bull without stealing Jager Meister or vodka…

Yeager Meister might be grosser or than Red Bull. I hate that disgusting shit. Both of them. I also don’t get why you’d want to leave a bar at closing after ypu drank three f***ing red bulls….Maybe if I redheads involved but that also sounds like a bad idea
The guy could have stolen 150 4-packs of Red Bull in San Francisco without prosecution (<$950) but shooting the guy for stealing four 4-packs in Indiana is murder.

Just making notes…
Guy that got killed was a shitbird. Waste of oxygen. Completely in the wrong. Having said that, I don't know if I could take someones life for $10 worth of Redbull, especially if I wasn't being threatened.....
I personally wouldn’t kill someone over Red Bull, but theft should be potentially punishable by the victim by any means - do you feel lucky that the guy you are stealing the pack of smokes from isn’t on his last nerve and carrying a .45.
I personally wouldn’t kill someone over Red Bull, but theft should be potentially punishable by the victim by any means - do you feel lucky that the guy you are stealing the pack of smokes from isn’t on his last nerve and carrying a .45.

Exactly. I'm not saying shooting people is mandatory. I'm saying it should be a 100% legally protected option to exercise. This is the true deterent of crime.
In the old wild west, people knew if they stole something and ran off with it they might catch a long colt in the back. Pretty good deterrence if you ask me. Look what's going on in San Francisco right now with the brazen daytime thievery from all those boutique stores. Not a damn thing those shop keepers can do but watch and wait for the cops to show up 10 minutes later with a notepad.
Look what's going on in San Francisco right now with the brazen daytime thievery from all those boutique stores. Not a damn thing those shop keepers can do but watch and wait for the cops to show up 10 minutes later with a notepad.
Like almost everyone in California,
they just don't have the balls.

California Penal Code 490.5 (f)(1):
A merchant may detain a person for a reasonable time for the purpose of conducting an investigation in a reasonable manner whenever the merchant has probable cause to believe the person to be detained is attempting to unlawfully take or has unlawfully taken merchandise from the merchant’s premises. ...​

If you really want to get in trouble in California,
try recording a movie while watching it in a theatre.
Jack Valenti will literally rise from his grave to detain you.
Right all true. Doesn't help that the 'good guys' are highly discouraged from having guns and the spirit to defend themselves. And if they did protect themselves and their stuff, a 'jury of their peers' will probably bury them.
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