Sticky for reloading recipes?


NES Member
Nov 30, 2005
Feedback: 13 / 0 / 0
Just a thought.
Maybe post up what you are using, with what combination, for what purpose.
There are tons of people here with the same guns, and tons more with reloading experience. I wish I could find my fathers old log book somewhere, he wrote down and kept every recipe for all of his guns in that damn thing and I can't find it. Wish he could remember what he did with it.
Something like this?

Gun used-
Purpose of ammo-
Target distance-
Bullet type-
Primer used-
Powder used-
Amount of powder used-

Keep in mind this was just done up quick and anything can be changed or added etc....
Or does something like this pose a liability to the owners of the site? Members only section perhaps?
Just a thought...what do ya think?
There MUST be a caveat that one "works up to a load" and should ALWAYS consult a reputable reloading manual rather than trusting what someone else posts, plus ANY change in components (even brand of brass or primer) may change the net result!

Thus, I'm just a bit wary of using someone else's data. Just call me cautious!
I would add something in that NO ONE is responsible for any damage or injury if you use a load listed here.

LenS said:
There MUST be a caveat that one "works up to a load" and should ALWAYS consult a reputable reloading manual rather than trusting what someone else posts, plus ANY change in components (even brand of brass or primer) may change the net result!

Thus, I'm just a bit wary of using someone else's data. Just call me cautious!

I'm with Len on this one... While I will guide people on what I load, I worry that if they do that with something other than the powder or what have you, something might go worng.

And who knows if they will say, "Well C-pher told me it was fine." Then I'm in court for the next god knows how long...and it's just a big mess.
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