Sportsman's Trading Co in Amherst, NH


NES Member
Apr 26, 2005
"Live Free or Die" Hampton, NH
Feedback: 30 / 0 / 0
While the wife was visiting the L.L. Bean outlet in Nashua, I excused myself to make a little sidetrip to this shop. It's located on Route 101A (141 Route 101A to be exact), in a strip mall on the eastbound side of the highway. Distance is about 4 miles west of Route 3.

Shop is good size space-wise, but most of it is open floor space and work area in the back. One L-shaped glass case of pistols and revolvers, and long guns on the wall behind them. Good selection of accessories and a representative sample of various ammo. You get the impression that the owner does a lot more service work (repairs, mounting scopes, etc) than retail business.

I asked about the prices on some of the ammo, and it was a little high given my intent visit the Manchester Gun Show this weekend. For example, he wanted $40 for the 7.62 x 51 South African Battle pack of 140 rounds, but I've seen them as low as $27 at the gun shows. When I mentioned it seemed high, though, he came down to $35, so he's at least willing to "deal."

Anyway, good place to browse or kill time while the wife does her clothes shopping thing.

I’ve purchased a few guns here and do not have any good feedback. Al, the owner, reminds me of a used car salesman and something always comes up resulting in either a higher price than promised, a missing mag, etc. Recent example, I purchased a new Sig 226R Tactical for $700 w/2 mags, nite sites, rail and threaded barrel. I paid, but two days later when the gun came in, Al wanted an extra $75 due to a “2006 price increase” despite it being June, depsite the fact that I have a paid reciept, etc.

Another example, I purchased a Kahr PM9 and the price I got was “so low that it only came with one mag”. Problem was that I wasn't told this up front and with the cost of the extra mag he was willing to sell me, the gun was priced at sticker. While I’m perfectly happy and inclined to support an independent gunshop (especially with ammo vs. Wally World), but I can’t stand the nickel and diming that always seems to come along with a gun purchase with Al.
CFFuts said:
Al, the owner, reminds me of a used car salesman...

It's funny you should say that, because I'm pretty sure he was a used car salesman before he opened up the gun shop. I stopped in there once to check the place out and got to talking with him for a bit when I seem to remember him mentioning that he used to sell cars, or owned a used car lot. He does have a little bit of a "pressure" sales approach, which I am not a big fan of.
Al has been in business for a long, long time. I remember buying a holster form him back in 1986/87. I have also bought a small handful of firearms from him in the past. One thing that I can say about Al, is that his prices are hard to beat.
I can also say that none of my fellow gun club members (that I have met) will deal with him. None! Most of them are annoyed by the 'used car salesman' approach that he uses.

Here are a few tips when dealing with Sportsman's Trading:
1. Ignore the 'trading' part of his business name. (He will give you 50% of what your trade is worth and charge you MSRP on the firearm you want. This equals you getting what you want for a good price and giving him your trade for nothing.)

2. Know what you want and what the lowest local price is (you can use or Davidsons Gallery of Guns to determine this).

3. Be prepared to pass on his offer if it's not close to or lower than your lowest local price. He'll up the anti. (I'd be surprised if he didn't meet or beat it).

4. Ignore everything he says other that price and time-frame. (It's the only one in the country, their going to have a price increase, I have one in the warehouse, if you buy it today...)

5. If you want something specific, call and play hard to get. ( I did a ton of research on a particular pistol that I wanted and called him last. He stated an average price and called me back 15 minutes later. $50 less than the lowest possible price I could find for it anywhere else.)

6. If you do order something from him, only give him a deposit and the rest after inspection. (One of the rifles I bought from him had a cosmetic issue. That was after paying in full and after the transfer. He previously stated that if there were a problem, he would sent it 'to his buddy at the manufacturer' to get it fixed. When I needed him to do this, he just gave me the manufacturers's you sign.)

I had 2 experiences with Al. One was very bad one was good and turned bad..

I walked in and told Al I was looking for a pistol. I wasn't sure what I wanted. I was thinking Glock 26/27 or Sig. I mentioned Sig (Kaching!! - a fish! with money). I started looking at a 9000s Beretta. It was new but discontinued (yes I am sure it was new). I liked it for carry. It was small and had a safety decocker on it. I liked that over Glock for the safety aspects (I know different debate). I got caught up in the moment. I had not done my homework on this one. I liked the gun. He said $599. I knew the 92FS is $569 so it did not sound out of line.
After I am cleared by NICS, he writes up the slip and tells me $699! I get mad and he backs down and remembers it was $599. I then go do my research later. I find out last MSRP before it was discontinued was $485! To top it off the reviews are love / hate and resale stinks. Worst yet the trigger is a long draw and I really don't like it now that I have shot it. The fact that I don't like it is my fault not Al's. The fact that I paid more if my fault too. The fact that Al charged me so much is why I don' t go back. Do your research and go in there if you want. I recommend Manchester Firing line, Milford Firearms or Chester Arms. They are all better people, better prices and a better experience.
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No thanks... I drive right past the place to go to Stateline Gun. I would rather spend the extra money on fuel than give this place any business.
The one time I did go there about 5 years ago I waited 20 min in the parking lot for him to open. Any place that cannot observe there own posted hours to the public will not be around too long in this economy. I have walked into Stateline Gun 45 min before there posted hours and they had no problem with an "early bird" sale.
>>Here are a few tips when dealing with Sportsman's Trading:<<

And my tip here is not to deal with that turkey at all!
That shop is an absolute trap.
He will talk you into ANYTHING.

You go in and he asks what you a looking for, then you tell him and he will show you something else and does the "used car salesman" talk. As you leave the store you can still hear him yelling in the back "but I can order that for you.....!"
Well, bought a 1911 mag from him about 3 years ago... When I got to MFL I found that the mag wouldn't fit because of my magwell. I went back about 2 hours later; wouldn't give a refund because it had been 'opened'. I even took my Kimber out and showed him it didn't fit. He wrote my phone # down and said he would call when some surplus mags came in and I could swap it. As I said, that was 3 years ago. I stopped by a bit over a year ago and they were still on backorder!!! Can you imagine? 1911 mags not available anywhere??? I finally bought a fullsize 1911 last month without a magwell. Took it to MFL and the damn mag didn't even fit a 1911!! So I tossed it in the trash at the range. For grins I'm going to call him to see if those back-ordered-hard-to-get-surplus mags have ever come in. Rare, I know. My guess is he'll say 'not yet but I have your # right here and will call when I get some'. How does this guy stay open? Please, someone tell me?
He has a nice dog though. Too nice for its owner.

The only positive thing I can say is he used to be in the end store... about 3 times the size. Now he's in a hole. Maybe he'll be gone before long (if not already?).
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Still open? Just curious. I'll have to call him tomorrow or next week. He was back in early December. Wonder whatever happened to the woman(I'm pretty sure) who used to defend him on here. Maybe he sold her something and it didn't fit[wink]
He's still there pulling the same ole shenanigans.

I see him at the fun shows and just walk by his tables.
It's amazing he's still in business. He's the closest shop to me, but like everyone else I'll driver further to not give him the business.
Went there a few weeksback while on business in NH. I wanted to see what this place was about after hearing about all the negative reviews. When I walked in I said hello an acted like a newbie even though I have been shooting for a long time. I asked him about .22 ammo and he tried to sell me Winchester 333 ammo at $56 a box!! I said why so much even though Walmart next door sells the same ammo in 555 packs for $19! He said it was hunting ammo with velocity at around 1,800 fps. I guess he did not know I very knew my stuff and it is rated at 1,280 which he disageed with. I politely said goodby and I will never return. Too bad because this day and age we need to surport the local dealer but only IF they treat their customers right!
I’m deeply saddened by my experience with Sportsman’s Trading Co in Amherst, NH. I don’t really check online to find out if stores are worthy to do business with. I’m sure everyone has different experience. I’m sharing mine because I feel that in my opinion Al and his store Sportsman’s Trading Co. in Amherst, NH shouldn’t be in business and is giving every other gun store a bad name. With his poor people skills and overall slimy tactics I am shocked that he is still in business given today’s economy. Story to follow.

So I’m looking for a Glock 34. Outside of real need to work on trigger control and accuracy issues I feel that getting a Glock 34 for IDPA matches will help me overcome those shortcomings. I have been on the casual hunt for one since February and I have called a bunch of local stores wanting to buy locally. Found one in a showcase at Sportsman’s Trading Co in Amherst, NH but the proprietor, Al said I couldn’t hold it because it was sold. A friend was able to get the serial number of the Glock on the shelf because, without being able to touch it, he wanted to know when it was manufactured. Serial number started with KUL. Had I been able to buy it then I would have on the spot.

With no luck locally I continued on shooting matches my Ruger SR9. About a month ago I did so poorly in a match I got back on the bandwagon for getting the Glock. Called around every store I could find in tri-state area looking for one with no luck. Even tried ordering one online again nothing immediate in stock I was a bit bummed. The same friend that got the serial number of the Glock in the showcase had decided to get a Glock 34 himself and paid in full to buy one from Sportsman’s Trading Co. Al told him that he has one at the warehouse and he will get it shipped to the store in a couple of days. A week goes by and on Friday night my friend calls and the response was “It is on the truck”. Ok, that would hopefully get his gun by Monday. The following week, no gun yet. After three weeks, Al told him that it was at the distribution center on its way again. Meanwhile, I’m hot and heavy for a Glock 34 so I asked my friend to ask Al if there were two and the response was “I will get it here in a matter of days” so I’m all excited about getting a gun that will fix all my issues magically for shooting competitions. Two weeks later , with no gun in sight finally my friend cancelled his order with Al but to call him when the Glock(s) do come in because there are several people that are looking for one, including myself. Al proceeded to try to sell him the Glock that was in the case, then tried to get him to call me to buy the one in the case. I wasn’t interested in the gun because I had felt that there was a new gun on the way and why would I want to buy something that he wasn’t willing to sell me months before?

While driving from the range last night I asked my friend if he had heard anything, since it had been two weeks. He immediately called the store to ask and found out that yes the guns had come in but he promptly sold one and had one left so I was hopeful again. Al called back within 5 minute to add that if I wanted the gun that I should buy it soon because there was another person interested it but he would sell it to me first if I came in soon. Red flags went up in my head after that call, especially since nothing this man has said in the past really panned out. I ended up calling the store the next day and said I was interested in the Glock 34 but I wanted to know the serial number of it so I could check the date, recalls, generations before I stepped into the store. He would only give me one letter, “M” stating that he doesn’t give up serial numbers of guns over the phone. I pressed for at least the next two letters to narrow down my search on the date. After what seemed like a very long time haggling over two letters he gave me the phone number to Glock so I can check the date and then told me the three letters “KUL”. “But you just said ‘M’, you sure you have the right one?” “Yes, I have my glasses on, KUL.”

In short: The man and the business, Sportsman’s Trading Co in Amherst, NH, are dishonorable in every sense of the word.
Well, had you read this thread first you wouldn't have set foot in the place. I'm surprised there are still folks out there who haven't already learned to stay away from that so called establishment. :-(
I’In short: The man and the business, Sportsman’s Trading Co in Amherst, NH, are dishonorable in every sense of the word.

In other breaking news, water is wet, the sky is blue, and the sun will rise tomorrow in the East.

I am very sorry, but not at all surprised, that you had a bad experience with STC. The stories of the atrocious service there are legion, and most are so stunningly bad that you think they must be exaggerated, as no one could possibly stay in business like that. But, they're sadly true.

On the plus side, I heard he's having some kind of a sale. [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
Sorry to hear about your crappy experience with Sportsman's, Ken. I tend to take online reviews with a grain of salt, but when I read essentially the same story over and over from different people at different times, I have to wonder.

Yes it's a pity Al is still in business, he's a real negative to the industry.
KenL, sorry to hear you had such a lousy experience.

Try John at Chester Arms. He's a solid guy and won't make promises he can't keep.

I bought a revolver from him that had to be ordered online and he had it in 3 days or so. I just checked through his site ( and a search shows no 34s available through Davidson's but he may have one in stock.

It's worth a call. He won't BS you.
Oh, I should also mention Ty at American Weapons Systems. Also an awesome guy.

Manchester Firing Line is also worth a call. Good people there.
Would love to point this guy Al to this particular thread. Maybe I will.. Give him a line like "I stopped in because of a gun forum thread at ..." and give him this thread link. That'd be fun.
Would love to point this guy Al to this particular thread. Maybe I will.. Give him a line like "I stopped in because of a gun forum thread at ..." and give him this thread link. That'd be fun.
It would be no surprise.
His assistant has responded here before.
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