Special Prep for the potential snow storm?

Jul 13, 2005
Eastern Mass.
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Anyone making last minute preps for the predicted snow storm?

I think I'm ready but will:

- Fill up car with gas
- Stock up on fresh food
- Put some wax on the shovel (keep the snow from sticking!)

anything else?
My prep would be for inside a 10 wheeler for the duration of the storm. So i would say a good amount of water, some beef jerky, and a fine cigar if i get a little downtime in the truck [wink]
...Moving all the garbage out of the garage so we can get both cars in. Bring firewood into the house. Run the generator cable from the plug out to the back of the house where the generator would be. Get all the kids sleds ready. Buy more beer.....
As I tell people I deal with every day: If news of a major storm causes you to make preparations, you have bigger problems than the storm.

The preparations we've taken or will take:

1) I told my boss today that I'm working from home on Friday. If we lose power or internet goes down, I'll take a vacation day.
2) We've moved our normal weekly shopping trip from Saturday afternoon to Thursday evening.
3) We will park the cars in the garage over night.
4) Fill a couple of sports bottles with fresh filtered water.

There are already flashlights and candles in every room of the house, fuel in the generator, snow blower and spare cans. There's plenty of food, water, milk and juice already in the house and plenty of electricity free games. Even if we're hole up in the house for a few days without power, we're fine. If rioting starts and there's roving mobs battling the blizzard looking for houses to raid - they best keep roving up the street.
It's not a bad idea to fill up empty jugs or bottles with water and freeze them. If we lose power, it'll keep the temperatures cold in the freezer longer, and thawed can be used as a source of water.
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Need to do this for my Sat Dish. It always gives me issues in heavy snow, need to try something.

I also heard Rain X works well.

I am set for everything else.

Not sure how it may effect any kind of signal, but you could always put some of that heat wire to the back of it to melt snow.

- Filled up the generator
- Filled up the snowblower
- Had my better half do some shopping
- If we get as much as the forecast I'll have to dig out the roof rake

btw; I always have beer because if I drink one I replace it with two...
Young kids these days don't even know how easy they have it. Back in my day, you had to pay money for porn... or steal it from your friend's dad's closet.

I was good at finding Hustlers out in the woods....moldy, but beggars can't be choosers.
I need a new chain for the chainsaw. A storm like this is bound to bring something down on my property. Hopefully not on the trucks, house or trailer.
I need a new chain for the chainsaw. A storm like this is bound to bring something down on my property. Hopefully not on the trucks, house or trailer.

I read this whole thread thinking 'I am all set', until I got to this one. I brought my chainsaw to a work party at the club last fall, and it kinda got the crap beat out of it. I definitely need to bring it in, clean it up, and swap the chain.
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