

NES Member
Sep 11, 2009
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as a lot of you guys know I dive alot. Spearfishing consumes my life from march-october every year. a bunch of you guys seem to like when i post my videos so i figured i'de make a thread where ill post my videos whenever i make them. Enjoy, and feel free to ask any questions ill try to answer them as best i can.

Florida trip

a 30#

Early Season Bass

Some Black Sea Bass and Slayer

45# i got yesterday

Ill add more as i make them.
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Nice. Looking to try spearfishing, are there charters that will show beginners? Any you might suggest?

Suppose ill google it

no charters that i know of, there is too much risk involved getting insurance would be next to impossible. the best advice i could give would be to watch youtube to see what guys are using for gear, and read a lot, join spearboard.com and lurk around read as much as you can. there are a few books also. learn the tides, they are crucial. most importantly, find a buddy to go with.
With all that blood in the water, do you get many visits from sharks?
With all that blood in the water, do you get many visits from sharks?

not up here. when we were in florida we had a bull shark try to steal a barracuda off my friends line but we scared it off. nothing up here yet though, we saw a 6' blue shark yesterday about a mile from where we were trying to get mahi, but they are basically harmless. my friend saw a 4' mako earlier this year but it wasnt attracted to him it swam away as soon as it saw him. sharks arent really a big problem, most of the time if you swim at them they'll take off, a good jab with the tip of your gun if they get too close and they are gone. the only shark that ever gets me worried is a white, which we have plenty of. they are scary because they are ambush predators that hunt large mammals for food, we look alot like a seal floating on the surface from the shark's perspective and if they attack you you'll have basically no time to react. so yeah, the thought crosses my mind, but if they want you your dead it doesn't matter what you do. i just put it in the back of my head and plan to go down fighting if it ever happens. how cool would it be to be the guy who died with his knife buried in the face of a 15' white pointer after it took him down? lol probably not as cool as living but hey whatever, im not going to let it keep me from doing what i love.
not up here. when we were in florida we had a bull shark try to steal a barracuda off my friends line but we scared it off. nothing up here yet though, we saw a 6' blue shark yesterday about a mile from where we were trying to get mahi, but they are basically harmless. my friend saw a 4' mako earlier this year but it wasnt attracted to him it swam away as soon as it saw him. sharks arent really a big problem, most of the time if you swim at them they'll take off, a good jab with the tip of your gun if they get too close and they are gone. the only shark that ever gets me worried is a white, which we have plenty of. they are scary because they are ambush predators that hunt large mammals for food, we look alot like a seal floating on the surface from the shark's perspective and if they attack you you'll have basically no time to react. so yeah, the thought crosses my mind, but if they want you your dead it doesn't matter what you do. i just put it in the back of my head and plan to go down fighting if it ever happens. how cool would it be to be the guy who died with his knife buried in the face of a 15' white pointer after it took him down? lol probably not as cool as living but hey whatever, im not going to let it keep me from doing what i love.

Totally understand! I used to surf some when I lived in San Diego and it was always in the back of my mind too, but like you said, it didn't change my mind to do the thing I liked to do...I like riding m'cycles and the "sharks" I have to watch for are the teenage little chickies with their cell phones jammed in their ears while they're trying to drive...yup, I catch your drift. [smile]
Totally understand! I used to surf some when I lived in San Diego and it was always in the back of my mind too, but like you said, it didn't change my mind to do the thing I liked to do...I like riding m'cycles and the "sharks" I have to watch for are the teenage little chickies with their celli pi hoines jammed in their ears while they're trying to drive...yup, I catch your drift. [smile]

I am envious of your gonads sir, your sport is much more dangerous than mine, ar least the sharks kill you for a better reason than sending a "lyk omg txt" lol
that looks a hell of a lot more fun than line fishing for trigger.

Very cool stuff!

edit: how does barracuda taste? And grouper wasn't in season?
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Thanks for posting this stuff. Nice to see another spearo up on the board! I actually got into spearfishing thanks to a guy who is a member on this board and he got me started. I've been addicted since. Will you be participating in the Species Tourny? Any hints on where I can find some BSB? I haven't seen one yet!
Thanks for posting this stuff. Nice to see another spearo up on the board! I actually got into spearfishing thanks to a guy who is a member on this board and he got me started. I've been addicted since. Will you be participating in the Species Tourny? Any hints on where I can find some BSB? I haven't seen one yet!

i probably wont do the tourny, i dive to relax and there's enough competition in my group of guys to keep us all on edge as it is, so i have so far stayed away from the competitions and tournaments. BSB like cold, deep water. 35+ feet, most of the fish i got in that video i posted were in 40-50' off block or fishers. i seem to see more on slack tides between the bass runs but it could be just me. are you friends with kelly, anson and all those guys?
I'm stuck without a boat most of the time. When I get when someone comes around with a floating limo is when I hit the really good spots. I know those names mostly from spearboard. I do know Rob down in Newport and i know he's friends with those guys. As you know it's a small community and everyone is within a degree of separation. This will actually be my first tournament. 40-50 is really on the edge of my envelope I can do mid thirties now. I seem to dive better down south though I think it's psychological because of the super viability. Do you agree?
I'm stuck without a boat most of the time. When I get when someone comes around with a floating limo is when I hit the really good spots. I know those names mostly from spearboard. I do know Rob down in Newport and i know he's friends with those guys. As you know it's a small community and everyone is within a degree of separation. This will actually be my first tournament. 40-50 is really on the edge of my envelope I can do mid thirties now. I seem to dive better down south though I think it's psychological because of the super viability. Do you agree?

in my florida video we are hitting depths of at least 50-60' and one spot we went to i know for a fact i hit 75. i never go that deep up here, i think the psychological part plays a huge part. rob is a great guy i get a lot of gear from him.
that looks a hell of a lot more fun than line fishing for trigger.

Very cool stuff!

edit: how does barracuda taste? And grouper wasn't in season?

triggers are so insanely stupid its fun to shoot them, they basically see you coming and give you a perfect broadside shot just to stare at you. i didn't eat any cuda, apparently they are considered trash fish down there because of the parasites they carry, not worth eating. we cut ours up and used them for chum. grouper was unfortunately out of season, which sucked, we coulda gotten some good ones.
shot a 25lb bass in the race today after work. not a bad fish considering the visibility and overall lack of fish. this was the only fish i got today, my friend got a 15lber. like i said there is not much going on out there yet, give it a week or two and we'll start seeing the bigger fish out in the sound.

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How can you tell if the fish it's big enough? I spear (Hawaiian) flounder and rays off the beach but they're easy to size with the spear. I ask because I'm thinking about using scuba this season.
How can you tell if the fish it's big enough? I spear (Hawaiian) flounder and rays off the beach but they're easy to size with the spear. I ask because I'm thinking about using scuba this season.

if you are in a school of good fish you will immediately know. i haven't shot any short fish in a long time but i usually play it safe and dont shoot anything that im not positive is legal.
i didn't dive much this season i was way too busy, here are a couple early season vids

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That's a great video, I prefer to catch mine a different way but that sure looks interesting. I can't help but wait for a big pair of jaws to come rocketing up and swipe your catch as you're pulling it to the surface..or a seal to cruise by and take it. Those are the things that go through my head swimming out to a rock in the middle of the night.
Awesome video. Never been spearfishing before but I've caught my fair share of big stripers on rod n reel. Where abouts do you go spearfishing, looks like down the cape somewhere?
That's a great video, I prefer to catch mine a different way but that sure looks interesting. I can't help but wait for a big pair of jaws to come rocketing up and swipe your catch as you're pulling it to the surface..or a seal to cruise by and take it. Those are the things that go through my head swimming out to a rock in the middle of the night.

i try not to think of it lol

Awesome video. Never been spearfishing before but I've caught my fair share of big stripers on rod n reel. Where abouts do you go spearfishing, looks like down the cape somewhere?

mostly getting the big bass off block island, between block and montauk, sometimes the race
Heres a shitty video of us out chumming for a small mako or yellowfin with our blue water rigs this summer. The ocean was full of life that day, we saw porpoise, sunfish, and whale spouts, when we first got to the area and were setting up our bait a big hammerhead shark swam by the boat but we werent suited up in time to film him. That was cool I've never seen one up here. We drifted for 6 hours after that and didn't see anything except these little mahis that I missed lol.

This was my first bluewater dive trip, you feel very small in that ocean floating there in a slick of dead fish I dont care how big your gun is. Haha.

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