Smith @ Wesson M908S

Mar 28, 2005
Here and There
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I was looking for another carry piece and went to Four Seasons to pick up a P239. While there, I was introduced to a S & W M908S. It was much lighter than the 239 and a little slimmer. Does anyone have any experience with this firearm?
The 908S is a low cost version of the 3913 I think. It does not offer an ambidextrous decocker/safety and also lacks the accessory rail of the TSW3913. Otherwise the models are almost identical. Smith and Wesson third generation semi-auto pistols are , in my opinion, too often overlooked in favor of the "sexier" Glock and Sig models. The S&W models are quite reliable and offer good, if not exceptional accuracy. I carry a 6906, the discontinued, double-stack, 12 shot version of this compact pistol, and I have never had a problem with it. The 3913 and the Sig 239 are very similar in size. I suggest you select the one that feels best in your hand. Also consider holster options if you intend to carry. FS is very accommodating to set you up with pistol/holster package that works for you. In any event, you can not go wrong with either pistol, just stay safe, and practice a lot. Hope this helps.

I have a 908 (regular) that I use for carry and IPSC- a very nice gun, but I found the frontstrap a bit slippery- a bit of moleskin or skateboard tape (whatever you prefer) fixes this up well. It's a nice, lightweight firearm that offers versatility as well, and is backed up by SW's warranty, just in case.
I got my 908 at FS as well, following a reccomendation by the staff.
Martlet said:
I was looking for another carry piece and went to Four Seasons to pick up a P239. While there, I was introduced to a S & W M908S. It was much lighter than the 239 and a little slimmer. Does anyone have any experience with this firearm?

Hi, What did you choose?
I have a pre-TSW 3913. Easily concealable, smooth operation.
NEtracker said:
Hi, What did you choose?
I have a pre-TSW 3913. Easily concealable, smooth operation.

I ended up getting the 908S. I've only put 100 or so rounds through it so far, but I love it. It's just a really comfortable carry piece. I need to find a great holster for it now. I'm hoping to pick one up in Marlboro this weekend.

50-50 chance that Lance Walton, Walton's Gun Supply won't be there. He also usually does the NH shows and since he's in NH, it's anyone's guess which show he'll be at.
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