Show me your home defense setup

Mar 22, 2009
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I don't have one to show, since my carry pistol is the only pistol I have.

But I'm curious to see pictures of the setups you guys use for home defense, and the mods done that benefit your safety.

I'm also curious to see where and how you store it.
me and the SO rely on these signals to communicate during an emergency

Repost from another thread: (see also, night stand guns thread, here...

drgrant said:
I get around the MA safe storage laws by sleeping inside a secure container, it's a metal coffin with a bed inside that can only be opened from the inside normally. The steel protects up to .308 Win AP. I have a camera and a small LCD screen so if I hear someone coming I can turn it on to see what's going on out there. There is also a small gun port from which I can aim one of my pistols through. In case of emergency I push a button and the coffin will stand itself up via a hydraulic cylinder operating off a charged pressure tank. This enables me to sleep laying down but in the event of an attack the coffin will "stand" so I can more easily assess any threats, and fire back if needed, but I really only would have to shoot at home invaders who have blowtorches or plasma cutters. I will tell you one thing, that sucks though, if one of the home invaders shoots at the coffin the noise of that bullet bouncing off the steel is very loud. I keep a set of earmuffs in there in case one of the douchebags tries to use it as target practice while I am still inside. That usually is not a problem because you just fire a few rounds off through the gun port and that scares em off. Criminals do not like target enclosures that fire back. One problem with this design is it's not revolver friendly. The "noise" that comes out of the cylinder gap would be deafening, so the gun port is really limited to use of bottom feeders.

In all seriousness I just use an HK USP 40 with the HK UTL tac light on it. I'm not even really a big fan of tac lights but the price was rigiht. Sometimes I just use my daily carry as an HD gun as well....

Sorry, I figured it would have been cool to see what you guys choose to protect yourselves and families.

I was also curious what you guys and gals do about the MA storage law. finding my key, unlocking my box, and loading my firearm takes alot longer then the desired opening of a night stand.
Sorry, I figured it would have been cool to see what you guys choose to protect yourselves and families.

I was also curious what you guys and gals do about the MA storage law. finding my key, unlocking my box, and loading my firearm takes alot longer then the desired opening of a night stand.

many of us have safes that are either A) significantly faster to open b) something else.
Home defense?

M4 clone and 30 rounds of M855 ball to start.

M1 Garand and 8 rounds of Incendiary ammo for the real hard cases that have cars that need to be neutralized.

AN/PVS-2 for observation.

And a 1911A1 and M9 for back up.

Any questions?
Somewhere about 1977 (in other words, I've had them for a while).

I didn't mention shotguns, because we don't use them for defense. Wrong area for it, definitely NOT urban.

Those aren't the ONLY weapons, those are the hard core "go to" weapons.

Ask Dwarven1 about it, he knows.
Ask Dwarven1 about it, he knows.
You know you're a gun nut when...

You need to clear off about 20 rifles from the spare bed when your grandson stays over for the night.

Folks, I would DEFINITELY not want to see the fool that tries to break into Nickle's house - they don't have stupid storage laws up in VT, he's got a LOT of guns, and he's got a BIG field of fire around the house.

And he's a dead shot, too. [smile] Appleseed Master Instructors tend to be such... [wink]
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