Shooting reported at light rail yard in San Jose, California

So, they have essentially passed a total gun band in their city, as I don't believe there is any insurance company currently offering liability insurance for gun owners. I know that when it has been talked about here in MA, all the companies pretty much said no, that is not something we currently offer, nor is it something we will ever offer
Good point. So all Democrats have to do is pass a federal law requiring everyone with a gun have a Mars lander
And none of the new ordinances would have stopped the shooting. Classic.
I was listening to an interview yesterday and iirc it was a former soldier who is a Rep. His point was that all these laws are useless because your local gangbanger isn't going to register the gun he just bought off the local drug dealer. We all know that and unless the politician is completely retarded they know it also but they go back to their constituents and say "look what we're doing to these horrible violent conservatives". They consider us more of a problem than the gangs on the street who are killing dozens a month in places like Chicago.
Good point. So all Democrats have to do is pass a federal law requiring everyone with a gun have a Mars lander

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