Shooter's family defends him shooting cop.

This is why I could never be a LEO. There would not have had to be an arraignment or any court appearances. Hell...if there is "gonna be onesided" then it should be cleaning up the hood.
Not necessarily a southern accent. The speech patterns persist, sometimes for generations.

That aside, why wasn't this guy shot down by the cops? If I were a Hartford taxpayer, that's what I would want to know.

Sounded more Caribbean. Probably Haitian or Jamaican. Definitely an "Island" accent.
Doesn't matter where they come from, bad seed is bad seed. How much you want to bet the woman with attitude has spent some time in the graybar hotel? It is like a badge of honor in the urban society.
surprised Obama hasnt commented on this, Ok ill say it for him those hartford police acted stupidly[rolleyes]
This is a teachable moment. The cop and the suspect should have a beer together. Then, when the suspect smashes the bottle over the cop's head and slashes him with the glass, we can blame the alcohol. That way we never have to place blame where it actually lies.
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