Senator Gillibrand

It'll be interesting to see if the NY Times print edition still exists when Gillibrand comes up for election in two years. I'm betting not, but it's likely they'll still have the online version to slander her with.
We can help the planet and supposed state of global warming by eliminating that useless rag.
Given that she now represents all of New York, not just a pro-gun upstate district, I expect to see her support for gun rights soften. She'll need to win a lot of votes from NYC to get re-elected, so it will surprise me if she sticks to her pro-gun views.

It will be particularly interesting to see what Chucky Schumer does in 2 years when Gillibrand is up for re-election. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is extremely anti-gun and has said she will challenge Gillibrand for re-election. If McCarthy does run, will Schumer support Gillibrand or McCarthy?
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