SECT Connecticut pistol permit appointment troop E

Apr 20, 2021
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I don’t understand why it’s ok for the state to essentially deny people’s rights to purchase and carry firearms by not having enough appointments for the temporary permit holders I looked on their garbage booking site eventbright and they are booked out for the next 4 months and they don’t even open later dates to schedule one. How is this ok ? What can I do ? I’m lucky that I already have a pistol and I can carry on the temp but I can not purchase ammo or buy any new firearms until this is completed. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I don’t understand why it’s ok for the state to essentially deny people’s rights to purchase and carry firearms by not having enough appointments for the temporary permit holders I looked on their garbage booking site eventbright and they are booked out for the next 4 months and they don’t even open later dates to schedule one. How is this ok ? What can I do ? I’m lucky that I already have a pistol and I can carry on the temp but I can not purchase ammo or buy any new firearms until this is completed. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I’ve also checked with Middletown and Bridgeport both are booked solid.
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