People reguarly ask about the durablilty of scandium framed guns. Here's a comment I copied off the SW forum:
I love my 1911sc (with about 1,000 flawless rnds thru it) and am convinced it will perform at least as well as the poster quoted.
"I have a SC1911 that has over 7,000 rds thru it. It has been to Thunder Ranch twice and it has performed great. I've never ever had a malfunction with this pistol. I sent it to Jim Garthwaite to examine after 5,000 rds and he said it looked perfect. The only signs of use on the frame are normal wear marks on the slide rails and feedramp. Out of the 7,000 rds, probably 1,000-1,500 were various hollowpoint designs. The is no chipping on the feedramp at all. The mag well shows normal wear from loading but no gouge marks or anything even close. It's really turned out to be one of my favorite guns."
I love my 1911sc (with about 1,000 flawless rnds thru it) and am convinced it will perform at least as well as the poster quoted.