SBR ownership date requests


NES Member
Nov 28, 2009
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So in SBR'ing my 15-22 I am getting a request that I prove ownership prior to 6/20. I could have bought one of these last week and done the same. Am I missing something here.
My SBR application was initially rejected because I did not provide pre-healyban info. I did not have any paperwork, but my dealer was able to reprint the MIRCS paperwork from the original purchase record of this eFA10-ed item. That was accepted and the stamp arrived about a month later.

I think the BATFE pre-examiner (it goes to a contractor to make sure the paperwork is in order, and submitted to an examiner once this prelim step is complete) missed the fact that Healy has not yet banned the 15-22 for new sales.
My SBR application was initially rejected because I did not provide pre-healyban info. I did not have any paperwork, but my dealer was able to reprint the MIRCS paperwork from the original purchase record of this eFA10-ed item. That was accepted and the stamp arrived about a month later.

I think the BATFE pre-examiner (it goes to a contractor to make sure the paperwork is in order, and submitted to an examiner once this prelim step is complete) missed the fact that Healy has not yet banned the 15-22 for new sales.
I have the feeling they would ask for anything. I bet i'd get the same request if I sent in for a CZ scorpion.
Can't you just blow a little smoke up their ass when you submit the Form-1 ? EG engrave something
creative on the side...

"Jablome Single Shot Rifle "

EG, "not the droids your looking for".

This whole thing is a mess(which I predicted).
I have serious issue with proving compliance vs them(atf) Proving someone's not in compliance.
This just goes to show you that IF you do have a pre 7/20/16 stockpile - you are good to go.
Must be a relatively new policy. No such request for my SBR'd lower last October.

Hope this doesn't turn into a shitshow for my pending MP5 clone stamp.
I wonder if my Bren would be rejected then?

God only knows.... I mean what if someone SBRs a NEF handi rifle? I bet the f***ers will still cock block

The hilarious thing is someone can send BATFE a fake pre 7/20 receipt (or a nicely done up FA-10 copy, maybe, LOL) and it'll probably get rubber stamped... go figure.

I think its patently absurd that they're focused on something that has not been proven to represent actual law. This isn't the first time this happened though. Several years ago some shithead at EOPS tried to get them to block trust transfers. Someone had to pay a lawyer to go slap their pee pee over that fiasco...

You slipped in under the wire. I submitted my app last November and got the request.

I received the stamp in October, applied for it January 2017. Form 1, individual if it matters.

The biggest ramification for this is now its pretty essential to include a FA-10/receipt of purchase when buying/selling lowers in state. I had papers for all of mine, and stashed them away in my large overflowing folder labeled "GUN STUFF". Mildly organized packrat.
The hilarious thing is someone can send BATFE a fake pre 7/20 receipt (or a nicely done up FA-10 copy, maybe, LOL) and it'll probably get rubber stamped... go figure.

I'm on the outside looking in on this, but as I read the thread, it occurs to me that most of my receipts are either an emailed invoice or a hasty bill of sale from a seller. They're hardly what I'd call standardized or formal, and not at all official documents...
Being that transfers are legal (obviously) and are specifically allowed under Mad Maura's Autistic Edict, will they accept documentation stating that the rifle was in-state prior to 7/20/16? Anybody have any experience there?
What there using
“Firearm”, a pistol, revolver or other weapon of any description, loaded or unloaded,
from which a shot or bullet can be discharged and of which the length of the barrel or
barrels is less than 16 inches or 18 inches in the case of a shotgun as originally

What it really is
'Firearm'', a pistol, revolver or other weapon of any description, loaded or unloaded, from which a shot or bullet can be discharged and of which the length of the barrel or barrels is less than 16 inches or 18 inches in the case of a shotgun as originally manufactured; provided, however, that the term firearm shall not include any weapon that is: (i) constructed in a shape that does not resemble a handgun, short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun including, but not limited to, covert weapons that resemble key-chains, pens, cigarette-lighters or cigarette-packages; or (ii) not detectable as a weapon or potential weapon by x-ray machines commonly used at airports or walk- through metal detectors.

It clearly says in the law a firearm shall not include a short barreled rifle a short barreled shot-gun or an AOW

So a SBR or a SBS or an AOW would not be a firearm and would not need to be tested and be on the approved roster.

I think you missed a bit in there - there are two negatives so it's a little tricky to follow.

The MGLs say saying "the term firearm shall not" (first negative) "...include any weapon that is: (i) constructed in a shape that does not" (second negative) "...resemble a handgun, SBR, or SBS"

A handgun, SBR or Shockwave-like weapon is a "firearm" in Massachusetts, by this definition. Sawed off shotguns (or non-shotguns made from shotguns) have their own category.

The intent here by the legislature in seems to be including handguns, SBRs and SBS (or weapons that "resemble them") under the definition of firearm. The exception seems intended exclude disguised weapons, and weapons designed to defeat modern detection systems, and differentiate them from "guns that look like guns" but don't fall under the MA definition of "rifle" or "shotgun" or "machine gun". So no umbrella gun or fabled porcelain Glock 7.

The tricky bit about the MGL is that we adopted the Federal AWB word for word. It talks about "assault rifles" and "assault shotguns" and... "assault pistols". There is no mention of assault "firearms" (the Massachusetts catchall term that includes pistols, but is not limited to them). IANAL but I've wondered if that opens up an exemption for full-evil-feature postban SBRs in Massachusetts, as they're not a pistol and are specifically removed from the "rifle" category by explicit mention in the "firearm" category.
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