RSS feed?

Feb 23, 2006
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Hi I've been reading and enjoying the board for a while now. It's been a great source of information. My first post is a small reuquest. I was wondering if the admin's could turn on the RSS feed option? It would be great to add an RSS of the board so I can keep track of posts along with my other news items. Looking at the help for the board shows it's a configurable option. Thanks!
wolfprime said:
Hi I've been reading and enjoying the board for a while now. It's been a great source of information. My first post is a small reuquest. I was wondering if the admin's could turn on the RSS feed option? It would be great to add an RSS of the board so I can keep track of posts along with my other news items. Looking at the help for the board shows it's a configurable option. Thanks!


I'll look in to it and get back to you.
derek said:
Dave has turned on the RSS feed for me. [wink]
Cool. I'm adding a tab now in FireFox for it to check it out.
dreppucci007 said:
RSS = what?
Someone will describe it better than me I'm sure. But what it does is continually poll the site and list the new topics on a pull down.
dreppucci007 said:
Oh, uh...ok I guess...Thanks Jon
Ya, I know pretty bad. Get FireFox if you don't already have it and give it a try.
I have mAss Backwards on a live tab. I just hit the tab and see what new stuff Bruce has posted without having to go to the page. If I want to read an article, I click it and I'm there.
JonJ said:
Ya, I know pretty bad. Get FireFox if you don't already have it and give it a try.
I have mAss Backwards on a live tab. I just hit the tab and see what new stuff Bruce has posted without having to go to the page. If I want to read an article, I click it and I'm there.

I had FireFox a while back when it first came out...Since then I've had to reformat my HD and just have never put it back on. IIRC, it always ran slower than IE, but I have to assume it's gotten better? Maybe I'll give it a shot.
dreppucci007 said:
I had FireFox a while back when it first came out...Since then I've had to reformat my HD and just have never put it back on. IIRC, it always ran slower than IE, but I have to assume it's gotten better? Maybe I'll give it a shot.
Actually FF runs slower than IE on my laptop too. I love all the features though so I stayed with it. I found the older versions of FF were faster for me.
Well, RSS feed works in IE 7 (Beta 2), but this site won't work for some reason in IE 7.

I get the following error statement (useless):
Internet Explorer cannot display this feed

An unknown error has occurred.
Please try again later.

I have successfully setup other RSS feeds in IE 7, and I can setup RSS feed for NES in FF (but I don't usually use FF for webforums).

Derek, Can you please have Dave take a look and see what the issue is, whenever he and you have the time? Thanks.

I don't think that RSS is a feature that worked in IE 6. It'll be later before I power up another machine to check that out, but I'm reasonably certain.
LenS said:

I don't think that RSS is a feature that worked in IE 6. It'll be later before I power up another machine to check that out, but I'm reasonably certain.

My home page is and I have the RSS setup on it and it seems to work fine. I'll try to add it to IE7 when I get home. I use IE6 at work since 7 is still in beta.
derek said:
Dave has turned on the RSS feed for me. [wink]

Where do we find it? Maybe a link to it under "quick links" would help.

I set this up once, but haven't tried it lately. Kinda gimmicky for me. The "New Posts" works fine for me.

If it is easy enough to do, maybe I'll give it another look. Anyone want to do a quick writeup for Firefox?

IE 6 does NOT support RSS.

There are add-on toolbars such as Google, Yahoo, etc. that may support RSS when using IE 6.
For those having issues with RSS in IE, I suggest Firefox. And for those of you using IE, I still suggest Firefox. And that isn't browser snobbery, I use both in the course of my work. I'd gladly get RSS up and running on either browser, just drop me a PM.
I believe this to be an IE7 issue, however I will research it a bit more.

It doesn't work with either. They use the same software.

Definitely an IE7 issue.
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