Right on queue, Kucinich Seeks To Ban Hand Guns In America

Nov 22, 2006
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The original article is copied below:

Congressman drafting legislation to make owning a hand gun illegal.
By Darren Toms, Newsradio WTAM 1100
Check out Darren's personality page
(Cleveland) - Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich wants to ban hand guns in America.

Kucinich is currently drafting legislation that would ban the purchase, sale, transfer or possession of hand guns by civilians. A gun buy-back provision will be included in the bill.

Kucinich announced this move in the aftermath of Monday’s deadly shooting at Virginia Tech.

Kucinich noted in a speech to congress that about 32 people die each day in America due to hand gun related incidents. 33 died at VT.

Kucinich says it's becoming "painfully obvious" that the easy availability of handguns constituents a growing national crisis of public health and safety, one that he says calls for a powerful, wide-ranging response from congress.

He says the level of violence in our society constitutes a national emergency.

Already this Congress, Kucinich has introduced HR 808, legislation to establish a Department of Peace and Nonviolence. It would address the issue of domestic violence, gang violence, and violence in the schools, which is reflected in the current homicide rates.

Kucinich notes recent studies that indicate many killers had histories of mental illness. He says the lack of parity for mental health care remains one of the most serious deficiencies in healthcare in the United States.

Kucinich has also proposed HR 676, Medicare for all. It would establish a universal not-for-profit healthcare system, which would provide full and comprehensive mental healthcare.

(Copyright © 2007 Clear Channel. All rights reserved.)
Well that's actually comforting. As long as the antis keep reaching for the stars like that, we really don't have much to worry about.

Isn't this the same guy who is pushing for a new cabinet level Department of Peace and NonViolence?
I say we should encourage him.

Guys, Kucinich is, and has always been, nuttier than a fruitcake. Nobody in Congress and very few people in Ohio take him seriously.

His district is dominated by some of the most libtard communities in Ohio.
Ohio 10th Congressional District

In Congress, Kucinich has authored and co-sponsored legislation to create a national health care system, preserve Social Security, lower the costs of prescription drugs, provide economic development through infrastructure improvements, abolish the death penalty, provide universal prekindergarten to all 3, 4, and 5 year olds, create a Department of Peace, regulate genetically engineered foods, repeal the USA PATRIOT Act, and provide tax relief to working class families.

Kucinich has been honored by Public Citizen, the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth and the League of Conservation Voters as a champion of clean air, clean water and an unspoiled earth. Kucinich has twice been an official United States delegate to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (1998, 2004) and attend the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In his district, Kucinich has been recognized by the Greater Cleveland AFL-CIO as a tireless advocate for the social and economic interests of his community.

Need I say more? This bill is DOA.
I think if we did a little research we could find a vacant apartment for him....in France.
Maybe Kucinich should go to france where he belongs. I'm sick of people
trying to plant (more) socialism in America.... it's despicable.

The Dem-Congs are waiting for the right time to do the gun control agenda. Even though Pres. Bush said he would sign a new AWB if it got to his desk, they're not that confident that it would pass. They will wait for a D to get into the White House before letting loose the hounds!

Kucinich is a moonbat of the highest order! Saddest thing is that he still has people following him after he killed Cleveland as mayor...

Joe R.
I'm actually kinda thankful for the Dennis Kucinich's of this world. Like everything else in politics, we can divide people into three camps when it comes to gun issues - those (like us) who are pro-gun and there's nothing that's going to change our minds, those who are anti-gun and are similarly unmoveable, and those in the middle. That latter group is the only one we really care about politically, 'cause that's the only group where we can make any progress in changing the current laws for the better, and it's where the battle for hearts and minds is going to be fought.

Every time a recognized bull goose wackjob like Kucinich opens his mouth calling for more gun laws, he undermines the credibility of that position and makes some in that persuadable middle group of voters think twice about moving to the anti-gun side. Sure, some will be convinced by his message, as crazy as it is, but I think on balance he alienates more people than he attracts.
I'm actually kinda thankful for the Dennis Kucinich's of this world. Like everything else in politics, we can divide people into three camps when it comes to gun issues - those (like us) who are pro-gun and there's nothing that's going to change our minds, those who are anti-gun and are similarly unmoveable, and those in the middle. That latter group is the only one we really care about politically, 'cause that's the only group where we can make any progress in changing the current laws for the better, and it's where the battle for hearts and minds is going to be fought.

Every time a recognized bull goose wackjob like Kucinich opens his mouth calling for more gun laws, he undermines the credibility of that position and makes some in that persuadable middle group of voters think twice about moving to the anti-gun side. Sure, some will be convinced by his message, as crazy as it is, but I think on balance he alienates more people than he attracts.

+1... Good point, Dick... I'm sure the "maintream" moonbats are nodding
their heads in shame and muttering under their breath, as the Kucinich's and
the McCarthy's of the world are actually causing them more damage to their
credibility than anything else. The gun control crowd is often its own
worst enemy, and that often ends up being a good thing.

Did i see a gun buy back in place. any one want to venture a guess at how much it would cost the US to buy back all the handguns in the US. then depending on ammo as well.

"recent studies that indicate many killers had histories of mental illness. He says the lack of parity for mental health care remains one of the most serious deficiencies in healthcare in the United States. then he says this
Kucinich has also proposed HR 676, Medicare for all. It would establish a universal not-for-profit healthcare system, which would provide full and comprehensive mental healthcare."

if the medicare for all gives them the people the help they need, then then by his own reasoning the other bill is mute and useless.
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I doubt that any outright ban with buy back will be passed in the foreseeable future, as it would call the moonbat bluff when only a small percentage showed up to turn in their guns. Even the most staunch liberals in this country don't have the stomach for predawn raids on civilian homes, Hell they don't even have the stomach for the justified ousting of tyrannical dictators. Can you imagine the public outcry if/when someone's child/wife got caught in the crossfire, can't see it happening but that's just my .02.
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