Republican debate


I know you're a closet socialist, but come on... There would be nothing worse than Hillary as president.[thinking]

[grin] You're right Hillary would really suck (as I thought my post indicated). However, one thing in her defense is we would know in advance how much she would suck. If she did win in November we all know we should go to the nearest gun store and stock up on AR's, AK's and similar before they were banned. If Rudi or Romni got in - we would be playing a sucky waiting game for the next 4 years......[thinking]
What is so scary is that there are so many people out there that view Giuliani as some kind of 9/11 demi-god that they might be stupid enough to make him the nominee. [rolleyes]

Giuliani is Hillary without the sagging boobs and testicles.
At least Giuliani would only ban guns in cities. Hillary would ban guns everywhere.

Although maybe "better" (and I still wouldn't trust him on that)...Why should even that be in the slightest bit acceptable. Heck, since the cities have the most crime aren't they the places guns should be allowed?
[grin] You're right Hillary would really suck (as I thought my post indicated). However, one thing in her defense is we would know in advance how much she would suck. If she did win in November we all know we should go to the nearest gun store and stock up on AR's, AK's and similar before they were banned. If Rudi or Romni got in - we would be playing a sucky waiting game for the next 4 years......[thinking]

IMO Guiliani is just as bad of a threat WRT RKBA. He's only hiding
his fascist anti past to try to improve his GOP image. He'd be
one of the first to deploy an anti agenda if the conditions were
created to support it. It's like one of those vans/buses with a
wheelchair lift on it. You know eventually, that the operator
will push a button inside and the doors open and the thingy
comes down. In the case of Guiliani there is a pallet full of
"brady love fest sauce" waiting to be deployed, it's just covered
up with a cloth at the moment.

As much as I hate the bastard, Romney would probably be the
closest thing to being "NRA buyable" since he seems to flip flop
when it suits him. He might accept a backdoor deal of "if you
cut out the anti shit, we'll endorse you at reelection time" the
others obviously wouldn't even consider it, because they're all
fascists and commies, whereas romney is simply a plain old
two faced bastard.

Hold on, I have to [puke] because it disgusts me to even
think about romney being somehow better, at all.

I'm pretty pissed at this point though and I just refuse to
vote for a**h***s, romney included. I'm done playing that game.
It's either Fred, RP, or nothing. Or I'll write in a name, maybe
like what we did with the crappy MA elections where a lot of us put
write ins for Derek. [laugh] It's not like any GOP votes in MA are
going to count for anything anyways, so we might as well vote for
who we WANT to win.

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At least Giuliani would only ban guns in cities. Hillary would ban guns everywhere.

You think that, but it's readily apparent to me that if he had the
opportunity, he would gleefully sign any anti gun bills that come
along his desk.

Where's that pic of Guilini standing on the "handgun control inc"
podium? Anyone have it? Any pol willing to be associated
with them has just lost any credibility whatsoever, in my
mind. He hasn't exactly "apologized" for any of that, either,
other than in hushed, mealy mouthed overtones about a "change
of direction" and other weaseling.

Rudy is just a podium salesman for HCI, nothing more.... Move along... ;)

Oh wait, here's RUDY now! Let's hear his sales pitch!

<feedback noise from 28 microphones> squeee!

"Hi Everyone I'm Rudy Guiliani!"

"Contrary to popular belief, I'm not like these people I'm speaking on
behalf of today... I have no interest in banning guns, even if Jim here
has an entire folder of pages of stuff he's interested in banning.
No, my fellow americans, what I want to talk about today.... is
these high quality, ECONOMICAL podiums that HCI sells, for
fundraising. You see, I own the company that makes them, and,
uh.... The scratches? Well, this one's been used quite a bit.
You have to keep in mind we sell them for $25 and $20 of that is
profit.... that I'm sure Jim here puts the money to good use. That
is all. Well, that and ....
<COUGH!>ban<COUGH>all<COUGH!>handguns <COUGH!> Oh
man, I must've inhaled some of that pepper from the sandwich
jim bought me for lunch. I'm Rudy G and I approve this message. "

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And who is that? I would argue that Ron Paul is the only Republican that could beat Hilary. A pro-war neo-con is going to have a very tough time in the general election.

The candidates WE prefer would have not chance of beating the democrat nomination in the national election. Therefore, the lesser of two evils, as putrid as it is, is still necessary in order to have the best possible chance of not having a liberal democrat in office.

Until the system is fixed somehow (3 parties, etc.) I feel our main goal is to keep liberals out of office and hence off the benches.
Compromising your ideals for someone who 'has a chance' is the reason why we always have to pick from the lesser of two evils. If people actually backed the candidates they preferred...I can't help but wonder if things would be different.

I think Huck did real well. I like Ron Paul as well. I actually think Huck would make a great vice President.

Giuliani makes me sick. Romney can DIAF. It makes me sick that these are the two we will 'default' to as the above poster inferred.


I think Hucks ability to communicate well and religous values make him great for VP...but I don't think he's suited to be pres.
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