Received new LTC-A in Worcester, have questions

Apr 25, 2006
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I'm new to this forum, but have been lurking for a few months.

I am from and live in Worcester. I applied for a LTC-A ALP in May and received a LTC-A Restricted to Sport/Target. On my application, I had the reason "For All Lawful Purposes" I also had two letters of reference, one from a friend and fellow LTCer, and my neighbor who has known me for 20 years (I will be 27 this month), and also a soon to be retiring Worcester LEO. When I submitted my application to the Worcester PD, the licensing offer didn't ask me any specific questions regarding the application, and I was neither granted an interview. I have nothing in my background that would preclude me from receiving a LTC-A ALP, however, as mentioned above, I received the restricted LTC.

I saw the sticky by Scrivener/Outdoor Message regarding how to "properly" apply for a LTC-A. I personally felt that listing 8 reasons or so, would put me under further scrutiny. By scrutiny, meaning that the licensing department, would say,"who does this guy think he is..." etc, and make it more likely that I would be denied altogether. Perhaps with hindsight I should have tried that instead.

My question is, is there anything I can do about this, with regards to "upgrading" or reapplying for a LTC-A ALP? I recognize that Worcester is a difficult place to get any LTC, and as such, should I consider myself lucky that I got one at all? I do not really have a work related reason to CCW, however this is Worcester we're talking about, not exactly the most crime-free town around.

Thanks in advance,

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Hi Jon-

I have the same Sporting and Target "problem." I tried to re-apply early and was ignored. Other than re-applying you can't really do anything. You were not denied a license, so don't have legal standing on that ground.

Try beefing up your training over the next few years, take some concealed carry courses, home firearms safety, instructor certification etc. Look into GOAL for their course offerings, or check out the training forum here for suggestions on what classes to take.

It definitely won't hurt to have proof of your superior training when you do re-apply. Also, consider moving... <sigh>
Hi Derek and SR,

Thanks for your replies, and the information, it's appreciated. Moving has suddenly become considered.

SiameseRat said:
Try beefing up your training over the next few years, take some concealed carry courses, home firearms safety, instructor certification etc. Look into GOAL for their course offerings, or check out the training forum here for suggestions on what classes to take.

It definitely won't hurt to have proof of your superior training when you do re-apply.

You know I've often wondered that myself. I agree that if a town was to license for ALP they "should" be more inclined to issue to someone that have been trained.

However- I also wonder if they might get a different perspective like: "This person is a gun nut and I don't want someone like this cowboy running around with an ALP!"
That is such B.S. It's too bad we have to leave these decisions up to people with bias. Just seems that everything in this state is a constant struggle. The hassle it is to get a permit. Then if you're fortunate enough to get a class A ALP then all the foolishness you need to go thru to buy the gun that you want. Thanks to all the rediculous laws of this state we can't buy 1/2 the firearms on the market.

Depending on how important this is to you, maybe you should look into moving. I know it is extreme but why should you pay taxes in a town that doesn't have your best interest in mind. Your taxes pay the salary of the chief that gave you a restricted license. Let someone else pay his salary and pay someone who will give you the license you deserve. I moved out to Templeton and things here are so much more laid back. If things get any worse in this state I'll pack my bags and move to N.H.

Lugnut said:
You know I've often wondered that myself. I agree that if a town was to license for ALP they "should" be more inclined to issue to someone that have been trained.

However- I also wonder if they might get a different perspective like: "This person is a gun nut and I don't want someone like this cowboy running around with an ALP!"
I think it is all a matter of the LEOs perspective. I like to hope that they would realize that you had beefed up your training in order to more responsibly carry your firearm.

My suggestion would be to make sure there is not a single speck of camouflage or anything remotely "tactical" about your clothes, shoes or accessories on the day that you visit the PD. It's one thing to BE a gun nut, and something completely different to LOOK like one [wink]
Chief Gemme is a douchebag, that much we know.

Yes, you can do all those kinds of things to capitulate to his
demands, but it's probably cheaper to move, if you don't own
the property you're living in.

If you're stuck there, the only other option really is to lawyer up- but
it's better to do this before even applying. It's not foolproof, but good
MA gun lawyers have been able to get people an LTC-A when sometimes
there wasnt a chance in hell of it happening beforehand.

PistolPete said:
I moved out to Templeton and things here are so much more laid back.

Some COP's are just a PITA!! I'm sandwiched between NH (a SHALL issue state) and a bunch of MA towns that hand out ALP licenses regularly, but my COP says "no, no, no..."

The training idea is a good one, even if you can't get the upgrade. I'm going to go back to the PD after my 1year anniversary with a stack of training certificates to reapply (and perhaps with a good lawyer in tow).

I'm going to go back to the PD after my 1year anniversary with a stack of training certificates to reapply
My first LTC was limited. I took every course at Aware and LFI-1. At renewal time, I wrote up a big long letter, attached all the training courses. The licensing officer had changed in the meantime. The new licensing officer glanced at the letter and certificates, tore them off the application, and handed them back to me gruffly saying "I don't need this." He proceeded to type "All Lawful Purposes" on my LTC. No games, no "interview", etc.

Wish they were all like that...
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