Real nice forum.

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Mar 13, 2005
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Just found this forum thanks to four seasons. It really is nice to see a forum for the Northeast that is so active. It seems like a good place to learn about guns in N.E. Been collecting pistols about 35 years now, ever since I came back from Vietnam. Mostly S&W. But on reflection I have to be honest and admit I seem to have a fetish for .45's. and .41 mags. I just bought another .45 at Four Seasons. It was a 1911 Bill board, great pistol I got it because it's been dropped from the product line and should eventually be a collectors item. The funny part about that is I very rarely sell any of my guns. It's odd that you can become so attached to a bunch of metal parts. But that's what we all have in common..
Welcome aboard Bugs!

Could you please explain what a "1911 Bill Board" is? It's not a term that I've ever heard of before.
LenS, A 1911 Bill Board is a S&W 1911 SS which has S&W 1911 in very large letters lasered engraved on the side of the slide. If you go to the S&W site there is a picture of one. It is model 108284. They were also made with a fixed sight, model # 108282. S&W evidently were going to produce a lot of .45.'s like this but they got a lot of complaints from people saying that they only wanted a unlettered slid, so evidently they are selling out the rest of their unsold stock and dropping the lettering.

Thanks for the explanation. I have one of those Billboard S&W 1911s (fixed sights for carry). :D

I thought the big print was for us old guys!

So are they deeply discounting these guns to blow them out?
Deeply discounting hahahaha That's funny. I just paid $739.50 that's with tax at Four Seasons.
Bugs, I dropped into Four Seasons one day last October and spotted one of the S&W 1911s on consignment for $550. Couldn't really afford to be buying guns, but I couldn't afford to pass it up either . . . so it followed me home one evening in October 2004. That's my only complaint about Four Seasons, it gets damn expensive to browse in there! :D
LenS, luckly it's a long ride for me or I would be broke. My problem is I can't part with a gun and want them all. I recently stopped a couple of times at North East Trading Post. The owner was telling me he was about a $100 dollars cheaper than any one else. He evidently has never seen the prices at Four Seasons. What really gets me is the price of ammo slowly going up. I shoot about 200 rounds a week. I stopped at a Gun Store on rt.1 in Planville and the owner told He sold no ammo and got all his at Wal-Mart. I was stunned I couldn't belive he said that. I usally buy all my ammo at Four Seasons by the case a 1000 rounds a caliber. But have you noticed he hasn't been having any sales like that lately.
I'm really in to hand guns. Right now I'm down to about 2000 rounds and that about the lowest I like to get.
Sadly, Bugs is no longer with us, he was called Home quite a while ago.

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