"Random" registeration?

Aug 30, 2008
North Central, Ma
Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0
Pretending that this story is 100% real.. what would you do?

Let's assume my goal is to be 100% legal.

Let's also assume that in a time past I was given some guns from my uncle. Who is now dead. Or maybe still alive but long ago let his license expire. They were originally bought legally (there would be no question in this hypothetical story, that they were bought legally) and before registrations and what not were required.

Some were likely bought out of state, but all are "Massable", and possibly registered out of state.

I have since obtained said guns. How would I go about registering them? Just fill out an FA-10 with no "seller/from" section?

Any thoughts on this one?
Because it requires initiative and effort?

Good job fancy pants. Let's be an obnoxious prick instead of being helpful. I have rummaged though and didn't find a suitable answer.

HEAVEN FORBID there is an -obvious- new guy who doesn't know the right terminology and is asking point questions to try and find an actual answer. BRING DOWN THE WRATH UPON HIM! THE MIGHT SCRIVENER HATH SPOKEN.

I'm going to go out on a limb and make an obvious statement: Yeah, sure I should have searched every single post on this entire site, but I didn't. This place is freaking huge and well manned, I looked through the stickies and didn't see anything appropriate. I wish I had the time to troll through every post and find every answer, but I don't. So, you can either get your jackass head out of your self righteous ass and be helpful or we can continue down this path.

Did it maybe occur to you that we're on the same side here?! No.. it didn't, it was easier for you to be a snide douchebag because that doesn't take any initiate or effort either.
The problem is, the question you asked and how you asked it.

We have had moles from various agencies come in here trolling for info. Posts similar to yours.

We tend to be defensive and leery of new members who ask questions similar to yours. When someone with just 18 posts asks questions such as yours, our first thought is troll or mole.
All this has been covered in plenty of previous posts.

If the uncle is still alive, and doesn't have a license, you need to transfer them at an FFL.

If the uncle is dead, then whoever inherited them either needs a LTC/FID or will again need to transfer it via a FFL.

FTF cannot exceed more than 4 sales a year, so if there are more than 4, beyond 4 will need to be done at an FFL, unless 4 are done this year, then 4 more can be done in a month and a half plus a week or so, anything beyond that would have to wait a year (possession without a license) or go through an FFL.

Out of state has also been covered in plenty of posts, file an FA-10 without a seller.

And if you want to stay 100% legal, you'll hire a competent gun lawyer (Scrivener, Cross-X, JSCohen).

Though Scrivener may charge you extra now.
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The problem is, the question you asked and how you asked it. We have had moles from various agencies come in here trolling for info. Posts similar to yours. We tend to be defensive and leery of new members who ask questions similar to yours. When someone with just 18 posts asks questions such as yours, our first thought is troll or mole.

I realize this. And expected some flak, I asked the way I did because of such issues.

If I came out and said "I have a bunch of guns I want to make legal, but if they aren't, I don't want people to know about them." A lot of people may or may not know, it's not much of a stretch to see a posting by a certain member of a forum and with some effort, find the person in real life.

If I claim to have (just say) a grenade launcher and I am going to kill someone. It's a reasonable effort, but far from impossible, for me to be tracked down in real life and bring problems upon myself. I had hoped that being a newbie (here) I'd just get a simple answer, or a direction to a post that covered it.

I also hoped that asking a fairly generic question would be followed up with more than one answer. Thereby getting me answers for questions I would have asked. In the original post: I should have left out the "could be alive" part.

My major issue is that I have a goofy combination of events: Death, out of state (possibly..) and being concerned that if I just sent in an FA and left out the seller, now someone sees that there is a gun that was registered in VT 10 years ago and now I have it. On top of that, I can't prove how I got it. Did I steal it? Did I buy it semi legally? It just struck me that if I sent in an FA10 with no seller info it might raise some questions.

I also went ahead and -manually- searched past postings and discovered several things:

1) I couldn't spell inheritence.
2) Said guns would have been originally gifts (when he was alive), but now could be looked upon as inheritence as the benefactor AND ANY EXECUTOR/the estate are no longer. There would have never been any paperwork. So I am still with out an answer.. to my hypothetical question.
3) Scrivener is obviously a bright guy and a royal asshat.

P-14: I did, at least according to spell check, and how you spelled it...
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All this has been covered in plenty of previous posts.

True. As the SEARCH function would show.

FTF cannot exceed more than 4 sales/purchases a year, so if there are more than 4, beyond 4 will need to be done at an FFL, unless 4 are done this year, then 4 more can be done in a month and a half plus a week or so, anything beyond that would have to wait a year (possession without a license) or go through an FFL.


Only SALES are limited to four per calendar year. You may buy as many as you can afford in private transactions. [slap]
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Isn't it funny that the people who need the most help here are the same ones that call Scrivener the worst names? [smile]

Way to win 'em over to your side sweetjeep.

BTW, your question already told us you had the guns, and they weren't transfered legally. You see, almost always when someone here says..... "hypothetically"..... it's more than that. (Not always though. Sometimes whe do think up some hypothetical situations that we discuss)

IF you had filled in the FA-10's and kept the guns like you should have, there wouldn't have been a problem in the first place. And you wouldn't have to play "What if" games now.

We aren't here to help people illegally transfer or own firearms. While we may not like the laws, we obey them, and it will never be our function here to show newbies how to break the law. It's not what we do.
Isn't it funny that the people who need the most help here are the same ones that call Scrivener the worst names? [smile]

Way to win 'em over to your side sweetjeep.

BTW, your question already told us you had the guns, and they weren't transfered legally. You see, almost always when someone here says..... "hypothetically"..... it's more than that. (Not always though. Sometimes whe do think up some hypothetical situations that we discuss)

IF you had filled in the FA-10's and kept the guns like you should have, there wouldn't have been a problem in the first place. And you wouldn't have to play "What if" games now.

We aren't here to help people illegally transfer or own firearms. While we may not like the laws, we obey them, and it will never be our function here to show newbies how to break the law. It's not what we do.

I'm going to go out on a limb and make an obvious statement: Yeah, sure I should have searched every single post on this entire site, but I didn't. This place is freaking huge and well manned, I looked through the stickies and didn't see anything appropriate. I wish I had the time to troll through every post and find every answer, but I don't. So, you can either get your jackass head out of your self righteous ass and be helpful or we can continue down this path.

Thirty seconds to run the SEARCH function got over a page of threads, including this very recent one:


My assessment of you and your posts stands.
Isn't it funny that the people who need the most help here are the same ones that call Scrivener the worst names? [smile]

Way to win 'em over to your side sweetjeep.

BTW, your question already told us you had the guns, and they weren't transfered legally. You see, almost always when someone here says..... "hypothetically"..... it's more than that. (Not always though. Sometimes whe do think up some hypothetical situations that we discuss)

IF you had filled in the FA-10's and kept the guns like you should have, there wouldn't have been a problem in the first place. And you wouldn't have to play "What if" games now.

We aren't here to help people illegally transfer or own firearms. While we may not like the laws, we obey them, and it will never be our function here to show newbies how to break the law. It's not what we do.

As Scrivener said himself, I'll stand by what I said. At this point, I've seen enough of his posts to know that it's not an ill fit statement. I'm not terribly concerned about winning him over. I've started off on far worse terms and despite my best efforts, people like me. The difference is, I'm not going to be a pushover and I'm not always smart enough to shut my mouth. It's part of my.. uhh.. charm.

To clarify, of course in hypothetical terms. You assume I am in direct illegal possesion of the guns, that the guns are illegal or I am unable/still need to transfer them. It may in fact all be true. But I don't really know yet.

If I wanted illegal guns, that's easy, and I wouldn't have generated the post in the first place. When the guns would have been originally given people still drove around with loaded weapons in the back window of the truck.

Scrivener: Thanks, had you just done that little cut and paste in the first place, this might have been a shorter post. But, I had seen that post and it's only vaguely similar.

I'm talking about guns that "were" given a significant time ago. By a person whom is currently deceased with a dissolved estate.
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