NES Member
I have two neighbors that want to give me guns (Sears 12ga bolt action shotgun with adjustable choke) & (O.F. Mossberg 22 magnun bolt action with scope) I am really a handgun & blackpowder guy but for free I'm willing to take them. Neither of my neighbors have FID's both guns have been in their house forever and proabally never registered. Can I take them and what is required if I can?
I know I am going to get the response of "this has already been covered in a previous post, do a search". But I have done numerous searches and can't find the answer. So if anybody knows the thread with the answer to my question please point me in that direction if not can somebody give me the answer. Thanks in advance for the help.
I have two neighbors that want to give me guns (Sears 12ga bolt action shotgun with adjustable choke) & (O.F. Mossberg 22 magnun bolt action with scope) I am really a handgun & blackpowder guy but for free I'm willing to take them. Neither of my neighbors have FID's both guns have been in their house forever and proabally never registered. Can I take them and what is required if I can?
I know I am going to get the response of "this has already been covered in a previous post, do a search". But I have done numerous searches and can't find the answer. So if anybody knows the thread with the answer to my question please point me in that direction if not can somebody give me the answer. Thanks in advance for the help.