Rally to Defend our Gun Rights in NH (01/31/13)

Feb 1, 2009
Plaistow, LFOD
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
12:00 PM

NH State House
107 N Main St, Concord, NH

We will be presenting a resolution to the Governor, NH Senate and NH House stating that they have no authority to enact further gun control. We are the grantors of their authority and it is high time they started honoring their oath to the Constitution.If they choose to defy the Constitution it is up to us to hold them accountable and stop this madness by removing them from office. The law is on our side and it is up to us to stand up for our rights as Free Americans.

This rally will be a success with your attendance. This is the time our founders warned us about and gave us remedy for in our Constitution do not be faint of heart and miss attending this. NH is your state and we will not be badgered by the media or any others to give up our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms. See Article 2a NH Bill of Rights. We intend on putting our NH government on notice and sending a message that will repeat about our country. This event will have teeth in it using our NH Constitution. Do not miss this event even if it costs you a days pay. Your liberty and the freedom of your family, children and grandchildren is certainly worth a days pay.

We will have multiple speakers and I will read the resolution and be asking for signatures of those that support the resolution. I urge you all to contact all you know and ask them to attend as we must show huge numbers at this event. I have printed 2,000 fliers and if you want fliers contact http://www.meetup.com/rochester-912-project/
Sounds great...there are other NH progun groups.
Have you contacted them to get the word out to all the progun owners?
I heard there was suspose to be a gun rally on the 19th ...are you going to support it also
and is it still on?

Keep up the great work!
From Jerry DeLemus:

"Due to the recent unconstitutional attacks on American's 2nd Amendment rights as well as a list of assaults on our Constitution I felt it was time to make a public stand and statement. On Thursday January 31st from Noon until 2 PM there will be a rally held in front of the NH Statehouse. This rally is not like others, this time we are going to have presented to our Governor, State Senate and State Legislature a document reminding them of their oath to the U.S. Constitution as well as the NH Constitution. This document will spell out clearly their obligations under law (the Constitution) and the remedies for us the People if and when they decide to break their oath. Lawlessness will not be tolerated by our "public servants" any longer, they must obey the Constitution and passing or enforcing any unconstitutional laws from Washington DC will not be tolerated.

It is time we stand and defend our rights as citizens and as the true authority under our constitutions. We are not a servant class and we must refuse with one voice to be legislated into being criminals. We will not tolerate any undermining of our 2nd Amendment rights, our NH Bill of Rights Article 2a is even more clear on denying our government to limit or use arbitrary power to restrict our rights to bear arms, which includes magazines, bullets and the like.

I am asking all of you that love liberty and are willing to stand up and tell our government NO to please join New Hampshire citizens to make a stand. If we do not make a stand now and send Concord and Washington DC a message when will we? Please put the word out and this is a Valley Forge event, I will be there irregardless of weather."
That would be three rallies for me for the same purpose. I'd like to, but right now I'm committing to the 19th of this month and 8th of February to rally on the state house.
i understand why a normal person would want to avoid facebook but it's nearly impossible to do so and be an activist

i made a few meetup events. i may start the facebook event if i can't find an "official" one soon
for those who facebook, this is the page of the "official" https://www.facebook.com/gunsacrossamericanewhampshire

note their is an Open Carry Lunch/Dinner after the event on the 19th (Pending verification from Corporate Office) [NO ALCOHOL Please well you are Carrying] listed for 3PM at the Olive Garden in Concord. "was told by Management that they would only be able to fit 25-30 Max anything over would be seated as Normal. Please ONLY Confirm you are going to the Event if you plan to go to Olive Garden this way I can give them a Head Count" AKA RSVP REQUIRED HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/498030746908061/
I'm planning in being there on the 31st...will have to look at the event on the 8th and see if I can make it too.
No, but OC while drinking in public goes down as just about the stupidest thing one could do right now. The media would be on that like progressives on a tax hike.

If we are going to be constantly walking on egg shells while exercising our rights, and refuse to exercise them to their full potential for fear of ridicule, then what's the point?
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february 8 there are more rallies at state capitols. i haven't heard anything about the new hampshire one though

here's something organized for boston

Massachusetts State House rally for the 2nd amendment !

Special guest speaker veteran Marine Corps officer. Boston College Graduate and Constitutional law student, Chris Nawoichik will be our Speaker at the Feb. 8th 2nd Right Rally.

Special guest Dan Bidondi INFOWARS.com Reporter will be covering the event.

We are joining the Nationwide 2nd amendment peaceful demonstration, event listed below. NEW ENGLAND is participating! Hopefully you can represent at your state capitol too.
This Event because of Mayor Menino's and the city of Boston Anti- Gun Views will be a [Concealed Carry] only event. Make sure you have proper licenses/registrations to take part in this event.No guns allowed on the Boston Common.

I am the founder of a collective Liberty loving people who are involved many other political activity's to fight for liberty and the constitution as well. The Goal of this group is to take a stronger and more active political stance and reach out to like minded patriots who Love Liberty Freedom and the pursuit to happiness at a grassroots level. We will gather at the State house and have a peaceful protest for our 2nd amendment which is our right of Freedom of speech. We are looking for a speaker who would like to speak in front of the state house on a Mega-phone to talk about gun control and laws.. and educate the people of their rights as citizens of Massachusetts. We will also march from the state house to Faniuel Hall. Anyone who would like to participate in the march will take place at the end of the rally in front of (OUR) state house. I am open to any input from anyone.The JBS is also backing us! Important Info: it is a concealed carry event. Please do not miss out and express your civil rights. ~Nizzie
just saw this facebook event. please invite friends

"Line in the Granite”

It is time for “We The People” to wake up and realize that we are about to lose everything! The current attack on our 2nd Amendment Rights by the Obama Administration is a precursor to total gun confiscation. The 2nd Amendment is the guarantor of our Constitution. Without it, we will have no Liberty. It is time for every New Hampshire citizen who values their Freedom and our Constitution to draw a line in granite, making it clear to our State and Federal Legislators who would dare to violate their oath to uphold our Constitution. They have abandoned the Constitution for far too long and this lawless behavior cannot be allowed to continue. That is why Jerry DeLemus , Organizer of the Rochester 912 Project, and Jack Kimball, Chairman of the Granite State Patriots have teamed up and are sponsoring the “ Line in the Granite, 2nd Amendment Rally.” The rally will take place on Thursday, January 31st from Noon until 2:00 PM in front of the NH Statehouse in Concord, NH. This is a “Valley Forge” event and we will rally regardless of weather. Will you be there?

for those who didn't feel comfortable testifying today and who plan on going to the next NH gun rally check out this event

NH State House 107 North Main St Concord, NH 03301

Hosted by New Hampshire Liberty Alliance
Learn how to read the calendar, how the committee process works, and the basics of how to give testimony. You'll get a chance to view testimony taking place. Held in the House cafeteria. Please dress appropriately for the State House.

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