Racism and Gun Control

ever see the "no guns for negroes" stuff over on JPFO ?

JFPO is of the opinion gun laws were made to keep the black population down, and is now being used on the rest of us.

If you have never heard of JFPO, they are the one group that will not crawl into bed with the government and compromise your rights under the 2A, unlike the NRA that hops into bed with the government on a regular basis.


(p.s. I board op/engineer/produce in the Boston market)
I honestly was not trying to raise anyone's ire - so if I came at this from the wrong angle, I do apologize. What I was trying to point out, and likely failed in the attempt, was that the mainstream gun control movement seems to mobilize most often when the victim is white and when the crime occurs in a well-off neighborhood.

It seems the issue is more with the reaction more than it is to whom its happening to. Perhaps its more mainstream because the people who live in these "well-off" areas are more likely to act rather than just complain and wait for someone else to try and solve the problem. People in these violent areas seem to always complain the Police doesn't care yet when a crime occurs and the police ask questions, no one ever seems to see anything. In other words.. a kid gets shot in a small town, all the parents are in an uproar and are demanding something gets done and take action towards that end. The same kid who is in the city just has local people who complain and say someone should do something. The people who are taking action are obviously going to be heard more often than not. I know i am generalizing but having lived both in a town and now in the city this is what i observe. Just my opinion.
ever see the "no guns for negroes" stuff over on JPFO ?

JFPO is of the opinion gun laws were made to keep the black population down, and is now being used on the rest of us.

If you have never heard of JFPO, they are the one group that will not crawl into bed with the government and compromise your rights under the 2A, unlike the NRA that hops into bed with the government on a regular basis.


(p.s. I board op/engineer/produce in the Boston market)

I put part 1 & 2 back on the 15th post of this thread; The NRA should be more like the JFPO.
I honestly was not trying to raise anyone's ire - so if I came at this from the wrong angle, I do apologize. What I was trying to point out, and likely failed in the attempt, was that the mainstream gun control movement seems to mobilize most often when the victim is white and when the crime occurs in a well-off neighborhood.

Littleton, CO is a fairly wealthy neighborhood and in the year after the Columbine massacre, the Million Mom March thrust itself into the national consciousness. What I apparently screwed up was my attempt to link them, their demographic and their intent to respond only to threats that affect them and let's face it - I was actually IN DC when that was going on, it was a fairly lily-white crowd. I make this observation not to appear racist but to illustrate tha the MMM and groups like it only get 'outraged' when its dead white folks in the setting they previously thought was safe - which to me, was more of an attack on a certain complacent worldview that comes only with arrogance and yeah, a sense that violence is more of an urban reality.

They say a comic who has to explain his jokes isn't a comic at all. So too it appears for writers. Thanks for the feedback.

Actually, you are dead right that gun control has racist overtones. You are also right that the population as a whole "cares" about whites getting killed far more than blacks. But you are missing something. There is two racial components here, not one. The first is what you have correctly noted, that the violence is nothing more than a statistic until the crime jumps outside the self cleaning oven zone of urban blight. The second is more elusive but equally as racist. Gun control laws disproportionately effect blacks and latinos as they were designed too. The whole notion of gun control is to make illegal acts which have no inherent danger or evil in them. This is referred to as regulatory prohibitions or malum prohibitum.

As does the crack sentencing laws, the malum prohibitum BS around guns disproportionately effects blacks. Period. No further analysis is needed if one is paying attention to the world around them. The fact that white suburbanites get their guns legally and not inner city blacks is proof positive that the racist overtones in gun control are alive and well. The moonbat approach to tell inner city blacks that taking away their rights to legal gun ownership is in their best interest smacks of the modern form of latent snobbish xenophobia. The effect is the same but the outward appearance is far more subtle.

They are telling blacks and urban minorities that they should just trust in the white dominated government (menino anyone???) for all things. That the government is best to decide what they can and can't do, while allowing similarly situated whites far greater access to the right. It's not a poll tax, but it is equally as insidious and has the same impact. So yeah, it's racist, but in a few different ways. Knowing how is important in looking to spread the word.
If you look at the areas in MA where it is impossible to get an unrestricted LTC, you will see that these area (Boston, Worcester, Springfield, etc) have a heavy concentration of minorites. I still don't think that skin color has anything to do with it.

My belief is that the powers that be simply don't want people (white, black, whatever) to be using weapons for self defense. Out in the boonies of western MA or on the south shore, chances are slim that you are going to be put in a situation where you have to shoot someone to defend yourself. In the red towns, the crime rate makes it much more likely.

I don't think they are trying to stop anyone from having a weapon per se, but rather trying to prevent citizens from having the means to defend themselves thereby making them more dependent on the .gov for said "protection". The racism angle isn't really a good way to fight the gun grabbers, because all the moonbats think that us gun owners are all in the KKK.

The history of gun control may have been rooted in jim crow, but with a black president and govenor, how can anyone think there is a concious effort to discriminate against minorities? As has been said many times, gun control is about control, not guns. While I respect the opinion of the obviously well educated OP, I just don't think that racism is a factor anymore.
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I think, that until the notion that federal, state and local governments should facilitate ease and affordability of inner-city citizen's acqusition of firearms for self-defense becomes the accepted norm, there is indeed a major element of race involved in government regulation of firearms. But that's only because the sad excuses for leaders we have substitute feel-good gestures for effective actions in fighting crime and criminals.
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