Question regarding MA resident LTC permitting process...


Mar 3, 2009
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Hey all...

My MIL, who lives in a not yet to be named North Shore town, recently applied for her LTC...

Cool, eh?

Well, just a bit ago she told me that they never fingerprinted her when she went for the whole application process. Her brother applied a short time after her, and was fingerprinted during the process.

Now, I was under the impression that fingerprinting was a necessary step in the process of application... at least it was for me applying for my non resident LTC.

Knowing that the officer who processed her is very familiar with the process, not having her printed would indicate to me them (or him) having no intention of processing or considering her application, but still being very happy to take her application fee.

What do you scholarly gents think?

Suggestions on her path forward?
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Call the PD for clarification. Was she supposed to make an appointment with the licensing officer or something? Are you sure it was the licensing officer she dealt with and not just a dispatcher working the window that took her app from her, possibly not knowing what it was? the dispatcher should not have accepted payment without knowing what it was; and if they did that needs to be worked out ASAP so your mother in law is not paying double.

If it was indeed the licensing officer, then I would be straight with him/her and ask why your brother was fingerprinted while your MIL wasn't. Their answer will easily determine the next step she needs to take
Do you mean re-applied? As in she already had one? If her prints were on file they wouldn't need to do them again. They didn't do mine for my LTC because I had an FID years earlier.

Sorry, typo...

To answer all questions...

This is her first LTC application.

It most certainly was the licensing officer, as listed on the town's website. It was her "application interview" she was there for. She did everything else... go her picture taken and answered questions that were asked of her. She just wasn't fingerprinted. From what I'm hearing and seeing, the Officer was certainly experienced enough to not simply "overlook" such a critical component of the application.
Call and ask. Everyone makes a mistake once and a while and that is what sounds like here.
Call and ask. Everyone makes a mistake once and a while and that is what sounds like here.

This. If they just were going to jerk her around they wouldn't have bothered with the interview... sounds like someone probably had a long day or something.

Was she arrested previously and already has her fingerprints in the system? Haha jk.

I am assuming that he has a lot on his mind and may have been distracted and missed that step. Just call and talk to the chief about coming back in for the fingerprinting. When I went in for my interview with the chief in the town I applied in he told me before I left that I should have my license via mail in about 6 weeks, they normally already know whether it gets approved or not by the time you leave your interview.
Is it possible that she was fingerprinted electronically (i.e. not with ink rolled onto a hardcard)?

Knowing Mass., I'd ask her a lot of questions before I'd call the PD asking lot's of questions. But you're right that it seems a little odd.
Pretty hard not to notice getting fingerprinted. Even electronically. I don't think the officer would miss such a crucial step. Maybe her prints are in the system. Did they at least scan her index finger. This is separate from the regular prints.
Her prints would not be in the system from anything, and she is sure they were not done, electronically or otherwise.
Is it possible that she was fingerprinted electronically (i.e. not with ink rolled onto a hardcard)?

Knowing Mass., I'd ask her a lot of questions before I'd call the PD asking lot's of questions. But you're right that it seems a little odd.

This is what I'm thinking...

When I had my interview this past january, I was surprised to see that it was done electronically. Was expecting to have black-stained hands

ETA: Oh....then nevermind
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