Question for our lawyers

Aug 23, 2005
Jacksonville, FL (AKA a free state)
Feedback: 11 / 0 / 0
Ok, I have a question reguarding herr Reilly's idiotic consumer protection laws.

I know there is nothing we can do at the moment to change them. But what if the changes he has ordered 'for safety' actually turn out to make them more dangerous? The thing I don't like is the loaded chamber indicator, just seams to me if that thing is just minimally off a bit, it could cause a malfunction given the pressures that modern ammuntion attains when fired.

I was curious because when I visited AFS and talked with one of the guys, he told me that he's been seeing P232's pretty much explode. I've owned one, shot hundreds of rounds through it. Friends of mine own them, shoot thousands of rounds through it, and nothing. He's seen 2 go boom.

GPK can find out if they are the new P232M's or the older P232's since it happened on their range.

Again, just curious.

Skald said:
Ok, I have a question reguarding herr Reilly's idiotic consumer protection laws.

I know there is nothing we can do at the moment to change them. But what if the changes he has ordered 'for safety' actually turn out to make them more dangerous? The thing I don't like is the loaded chamber indicator, just seams to me if that thing is just minimally off a bit, it could cause a malfunction given the pressures that modern ammuntion attains when fired.

I was curious because when I visited AFS and talked with one of the guys, he told me that he's been seeing P232's pretty much explode. I've owned one, shot hundreds of rounds through it. Friends of mine own them, shoot thousands of rounds through it, and nothing. He's seen 2 go boom.

GPK can find out if they are the new P232M's or the older P232's since it happened on their range.

Again, just curious.


Sounds like an interesting engineering issue. I suppose Reilly's acidic reply would be something along the lines of "We never told you that you had to cut a hole in the chamber, we just told you to have a loaded round indicator. It is up to you to figure out how to do it safely."

Reilly is an ass.

Dangerous as hell as an AG, and even more deadly should he become Governor.

First of all. Be careful who's advice yo heed regarding firearms.

While the employees of AFS have been helpful, a LOT of bullshit spews out of their mouths... just inquire about what laws/rules they chose not to observe when it comes to their own firearms, and you'll have a clue about what type of people you have working there.
I will not be renewing my membership.

I can assure you the SIGs did not experience a KB due to the loaded chamber indicator.

Anyways, a loaded chamber indicator is far more dangerous in the respects that it promotes poor gun handling, then the fact that its just another few mm's of unsupported chamber/case. If you remove the barrel and drop a case in, you'll see a lot of unsupported area around the feedramp anyways. Non M-series Sigs would experience just as many KB's as M series if the chamber was to blame.

And if 'we' are going to go after the AG, it's becsaue he is actualy hurting the consumer, by limiting what I can buy, effecting supply/demand, and thereby causing a very unnecessary financial problem in regards to firearms and related products in this state. Like the national AWB, it's done nothing to save any lives or stop any crimes or any accidental injuries, and thereby needs to go away.....
AFS "advice"

"I was curious because when I visited AFS and talked with one of the guys, he told me that he's been seeing P232's pretty much explode."

Was that before or after it was raided by IRS and BATFE agents because of, shall we say, certain discrepancies in its accounts and procedures? [wink]
Re: AFS "advice"

Scrivener said:
"I was curious because when I visited AFS and talked with one of the guys, he told me that he's been seeing P232's pretty much explode."

Was that before or after it was raided by IRS and BATFE agents because of, shall we say, certain discrepancies in its accounts and procedures? [wink]

oh dude, when?
"oh dude, when?"

Heck, that goes back to late Spring or early Summer. I thought EVERYONE had heard about that by now.
Scrivener said:
"oh dude, when?"

Heck, that goes back to late Spring or early Summer. I thought EVERYONE had heard about that by now.
Oh, is this what lead to their re-arrangement of management?

Too bad nothing has changed yet.

Details details!
With respect

Much has already changed. I know that I talk about AFS a lot on the forum and I know there are better clubs but please understand that one bad apple spoiled a bunch. I have already seen some changes. New management has been put in place but things don't change overnight. I agree that there were things in the past that happened that were not good (things I heard from outside sources). But any time new management takes over I think second chances are deserved. If in a couple months they haven’t met your expectations then bash them (for what it's worth). But they at the very least should be given time to redeem themselves.
Its been a couple months. Nothing as far as shooters are concerned has changed.

They still have up to 5 lanes down for multiple days.

I dont like waiting. Not becasue of closed lanes at a club I'm a member of.
They dont have any high-tech lane system (like they claim), and it can be repaired with parts they can get at any Home Depot. Inexcusable. Completely...

I've yet to be able to order a sandwith at their Deli. And Where is this historical museaum?

That place works on bullshit. Im sorry. Nothing has changed.
Actually forget it change my mind. It’s not worth the battle. I like the place. I like the changes. You don’t. My opinion…your opinion. The end.
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