I got this in an e-mail today from GOAL.
You can read the whole thing here.
Precision Sports Legislative Reform package! This package is composed of three bills:
H.1953 "An Act Protecting The Rights Of Target Shooters"
S.1374 "An Act Clarifying The Definition Of Ammunition"
"An Act Relative To Single Action Revolvers"
These bills will correct some of the problems that were created with the passing of Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998.
For example, H.1953 and the newly created Act Relative to Single Action Revolvers would exempt target pistols and single action revolvers used by competitors in the Commonwealth from the law's testing requirements. S.1374 will change the definition of ammunition by removing the components (brass, wads, hulls, bullets and primers), thus making it easier for lawful gun owners to obtain these supplies via mail order.
I don't know if this should have gone under Laws, but if you want to move them, that's fine.
I just figured that I would put it here so everyone can see it. And get the "nice" e-mails and phone calls out to thier reps.
It would be nice to be able to get some of the target and single action firearms, as well as be able to get good deals on ammo through the mail.
You can read the whole thing here.
Precision Sports Legislative Reform package! This package is composed of three bills:
H.1953 "An Act Protecting The Rights Of Target Shooters"
S.1374 "An Act Clarifying The Definition Of Ammunition"
"An Act Relative To Single Action Revolvers"
These bills will correct some of the problems that were created with the passing of Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998.
For example, H.1953 and the newly created Act Relative to Single Action Revolvers would exempt target pistols and single action revolvers used by competitors in the Commonwealth from the law's testing requirements. S.1374 will change the definition of ammunition by removing the components (brass, wads, hulls, bullets and primers), thus making it easier for lawful gun owners to obtain these supplies via mail order.
I don't know if this should have gone under Laws, but if you want to move them, that's fine.
I just figured that I would put it here so everyone can see it. And get the "nice" e-mails and phone calls out to thier reps.
It would be nice to be able to get some of the target and single action firearms, as well as be able to get good deals on ammo through the mail.