Possession of a firearm in ME without license?


Dec 26, 2005
Littleton, MA
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Do ME laws require a license to possess a firearm? Again, I'm talking possession, not concealed carry.

I'm planning on a trip to ME, and wonder if I can have an unloaded firearm in a locked container in my car without having a ME license? Another question, can I have LOADED magazines in another locked container?
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i dont know about the loaded magazines but im 100% that you can posess it with no licenses maine is a free state
Do ME laws require a license to possess a firearm? Again, I'm talking possession, not concealed carry.

I'm planning on a trip to ME, and wonder if I can have an unloaded firearm in a locked container in my car without having a ME license? Another question, can I have LOADED magazines in another locked container?

This is what I did when I was up there. I have a NH NR but not a ME NR, so I just unloaded and locked it in a case in the trunk before crossing the border.

I plan on correcting that before my next trip up there so I'll be legal to CCW in MA and all the NE states North of MA.
^^ this.

If you call the MSP you'll get a slightly different answer every time. Ask me how I know [thinking] They were always consistant on it being locked up unloaded...not about where I could keep the ammo.

By next year I have my non-res. [hmmm]
You guys from Mass are a hoot. What's with all this lock up the gun, lock up the ammo, in different containers?

I can find that nowhere in Maine law.

In my experience it’s pretty typical of people from Massachusetts to believe that their laws from Bartley-Fox to today are “normal” and that “of course you have to have government permission”. It seems that they don’t understand that those are state laws and that they’re not normal and they don’t apply to us.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had someone lecture me about things that are perfectly legal in Maine. The belief in non-existent licenses and I.D cards is common, but it goes beyond that. For example, not long ago I had a guy who identified himself as an “officer in Mass” tell me that I couldn’t leave a gun on the passenger seat of my truck when I went into the store to grab something to eat because there’s a law against “unattended firearms”. It’s gotten to the point where correcting them is a waste of breath. All we can do is hope that they don’t get that “someday” sort of idea that they want to move here when they retire.

You guys from Mass are a hoot. What's with all this lock up the gun, lock up the ammo, in different containers?

I can find that nowhere in Maine law.

Jose, Maine was in fact Mass until the Missouri Compromise of 1820. I think some of us Mass-holes weren't sure if the stupid gun laws started before Maine gained it's independence [wink] .

I know guys that deer hunt in Maine. They carry under the guise of the hunting license and say they're hunting coyote which has no closed season. I'm not sure that's a good idea, but they do it.

I have my Maine Non-Resident LTC. Funny thing about Maine, if you've had your LTC in your home state for 20 years it doesn't matter, you have to send them certification that you've recently taken some type of safety course ( Within the last five years I think ). My Utah Certification worked just fine.
For example, not long ago I had a guy who identified himself as an “officer in Mass” tell me that I couldn’t leave a gun on the passenger seat of my truck when I went into the store to grab something to eat because there’s a law against “unattended firearms”.

I'd love to see some ma**h*** cop try to correct me here in Ohio.

We're not in Mass and your badge don't mean shit. STFU.
Do ME laws require a license to possess a firearm? Again, I'm talking possession, not concealed carry.

I'm planning on a trip to ME, and wonder if I can have an unloaded firearm in a locked container in my car without having a ME license? Another question, can I have LOADED magazines in another locked container?

I'm pretty sure you have to have the firearm in a locked container in the trunk, and then the ammo in a locked container in the trunk of a different car, following behind you, but not too close.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had someone lecture me about things that are perfectly legal in Maine.

A common imagined law in Florida is the "3 step rule," where people think in order to transport or possess a gun in a vehicle, it must be 3 steps from ready to fire, such as empty chamber, in a holster in the glove compartment. There's no such law and never has been, but it doesn't stop thousands of gun owners from repeating it.
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