Politicians, elections and the mindless

Apr 25, 2007
Central Masschusetts
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Here is a quote from someone I work with when I asked him what he would do if he found himself in a situation where he is being robbed at gunpoint. His answer was, "I wouldn't put myself in that situation"... My next question to him should have been, "Who would want to put themselves in that situation?" Some of these brainwashed simpletons actually think that just because you carry you are out looking for a chance to use it. I carry hoping not to have to use it, but if the situation were to arise I want to be like the firefighter running into the burning building rather than the others that look for safety. I'm not looking to be a hero, I'm not hoping for news crews to be banging on my door for a quote or my story. I just want to live my life to it's fullest. Now, the point this is that politicians take these horrible situations and use them to scare people (the mindless) into thinking that more gun laws would have prevented this. I can tell you this, there isn't a restrictive gun law that a criminal doens't like. To criminals more gun laws means more prospects. The stricter the laws the better the chance that the victim will be unarmed. We all know this. The politicians know this, but they also know that pandering to the weak will solidify them votes (Mayor Mumbles... I mean Menino anyone). Speaking of Mr. Fat-tounge Menino, how about how he handled the shooting death of Laquair Jefferson, the 8yr old who was shot by his 7yr old cousin who got the gun from his 15yr old relative. Not only did he slap us all in the collective faces by NOT prosecuting the mother for obstruction of a police investigation. Nor did he throw the 15yr old thug into jail (who had a PENDING prior case of possesion of a firearm from TWO YEARS EARLIER), he went and "consoled" the "grieving" mother and sent a scathing letter the the NRA. HUH?!? WHAT?!? WHO KEEPS ON VOTING FOR THESE IDIOTS?!?! Oh, yeah. I forgot, my answer is in the title. THE MINDLESS!
Here is a quote from someone I work with when I asked him what he would do if he found himself in a situation where he is being robbed at gunpoint. His answer was, "I wouldn't put myself in that situation"... My next question to him should have been, "Who would want to put themselves in that situation?" Some of these brainwashed simpletons actually think that just because you carry you are out looking for a chance to use it.

Its not just the politicians that use the scare tactics to keep themselves in power, the police departments do it as well. Sometimes its so that they can get more boots on the ground, sometimes its so they can get better funding…sometimes just like in politics and business its just business. You have to do what you can to validate your existence.

As we have seen, a significant change took place with some of the older political forays into the morality of the populace. Some of these programs or changes were politically motivated, some of them were truly needed and some of them were rushed out to serve the interests of our people but without clear thought to the stopping points or brakes needed to stop those programs from becoming socialist entitlements. Good intentions…bad deeds.

So when you argue with people like that, who have become so accustomed to being served, being sheltered, never having seen or experienced fear or danger, you shouldn’t be surprised. All of their lives they have been told not to worry, XXXXX is going to keep you safe, XXXXXX never really happens, XXXXX can be defeated with more $$$$. It’s a losing battle. The truth of the matter is most of these people will not change and don’t have to change and no matter how much you want to ram the truth down their throats, they will only become brothers in arms when it affects them.

As the saying goes: Liberals are simply Conservatives who haven’t been mugged yet.
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