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You obviously have no idea what your talking about. Or what those people do. I think its greatly disrespectful to use those that have died to make a point. Having been there, and done it. The term Fobbit, to us that HAVE served in a combat capacity while Joe gets fat at the PX there is a real distinction. To a stupid civillian that uses CIA Agent, and contractor deaths, that he doent know much about, well other than what he read in the Washington Post( that should of never been in there). I can see where the line gets fuzzy. But as to the Vietnam era guys that had their REMFS we have our POGs, FOBBITs and the like. Sitting in an air conditioned office playing WOW eating Popeye's isnt the same thing as being on patrol.

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Wise was a former Navy SEAL - are you trying to say that because he was murdered on a Forward operating base that he didn't leave the base? That he was in more danger at the base rather than when he was outside of the base doing his job? Your argument is stupid and insulting. To insinuate a former Navy SEAL, now working for the CIA, spent his days inside the safety of a forward operating base is ludicrous. He just happened to be murdered there by a foreign operative. I'm willing to bet it's much safer there than where he probably spent 90% of his time - In the field. In fact, they wouldn't of hired a Navy SEAL to sit around a forward operating base - they hired him to collect intel or protect the intel gatherers. Everyone serving is in danger (some more than others) and deserves our admiration - they also don't deserve to have their death used as a prop to prove your point.
That IS my point. Wise, IIRC, was working security at Chapman and was patting down the bomber when he detonated himself.

You obviously have never served in today's military. Or served period. If you had you would understand what we, those that do it know. There are people that go on mission, and those that dont. I think those that actually serve know exactly what Im talking about. You do not, aside from what you read in the news.

Its remarkable disrespectful for a civilian to use a contractor's death, let alone a service member or agent to try and make a point he has no knowledge of. This is something I am allot closer to than anyone else on the forum. I have friends that have worked that program. A little back round, they arnt fobbits, they do missions and have served outside the wire AKA "the red zone".

A Fobbit is a person that has never seen the outside of a FOB. They sit in an office, drink coffee and have most amenities they would have at home. They are generally cooks, commo people, supply etc. And most will refer to them selfs as a fobbit.

So having no bearing, or time on the ground here I can understand where a book commando that peruses through the news, possibly even Icasualties may get it mixed up. Ive been in Iraq for 4 years. Military and contracting. I think I know what Im talking about. Dont use those that have fallen for anything other than remembrance. It doesnt make you cool. And its something I take, and I know the families would take personally. Those that have died for you to make statements you know nothing about. Give them the respect for what they did, and you never did.
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