Outed by Wife!

Len-2A Training

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NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Sunday we were at Easter/Passover dinner at my Cousin's house and my Wife is proudly telling about the LTC course that Lynne ran the day before while I'm talking guns with a guest who's interested in getting his LTC sometime in the future (he's a student and with a baby on the way imminently, so finances are an issue right now). This is all going on around the dinner table and suddenly Deena asks me "are you carrying right now?". [shocked] Knowing that the situation isn't going to blow up, I answer honestly "Of course! I have to drive thru Brockton to get here and home again!" A few nods and all is cool.

On the way home, I tried to educate her that it is a question that you do not ask publicly!

At least nobody asked to see the gun or where it was (wouldn't have gone there if they had)! [wink]

Turns out that the gentleman I was talking with is a US Army veteran, Chinook pilot that served in Afghanistan, is going to a pilot school run by some branch of Delta Airlines (IIRC) and wants to become a commercial airline pilot.

You were correct in your explanation of not asking publicly.

Try to impress on her that "Loose lips sink ships".

My wife never makes any comment about when and where I carry and she always knows when I'm carrying when we are out together. I always tell her when I'm carrying when we go out to gether in case she ever needs to take control of or use my gun for self defense or to take custody of it should something happen that I needed to give it up to her.
Explain that concealed means concealed, physically and knowledge wise.

I feel your pain, brother.

My wife went one better - we're in a store (don't remember which), and she proceeds to lift up my sweater so that the kids can "tickle Daddy".

Fortunately, I had decided at the last minute to go with the ankle holster rather than the IWB.

We had a talk about NOT EVER lifting up any sweater, jacket, vest, etc. that I might be wearing in public, as the ramifications could be serious...




Yup we had that discussion on the way home.

If we were somewhere else with a different group of people, my response would more likely have been evasive. I was fairly certain that it would be no big deal, so my response was honest and I was correct in my assessment.
Let me preface this question by saying that I’ve never carried, nor have I gotten around to educating myself on the rules/etiquette of carry, because the Watertown CLEO says I’m not allowed to.

I can certainly understand the need to be discrete when carrying. However, I’ve noticed that when I’m hanging out, shooting the shit with other shooters, most don’t seem to hesitate to pull out their CCWs to share what gun they carry or what holster they use. Is this considered okay because it’s the topic of conversation, and done among other shooters?
I can certainly understand the need to be discrete when carrying. However, I’ve noticed that when I’m hanging out, shooting the shit with other shooters, most don’t seem to hesitate to pull out their CCWs to share what gun they carry or what holster they use. Is this considered okay because it’s the topic of conversation, and done among other shooters?

It just depends on who they are and how well you know them. Obviously the setting has a lot to do with it as well.
I can certainly understand the need to be discrete when carrying. However, I’ve noticed that when I’m hanging out, shooting the shit with other shooters, most don’t seem to hesitate to pull out their CCWs to share what gun they carry or what holster they use. Is this considered okay because it’s the topic of conversation, and done among other shooters?

Yeah, as Jose says, it's obviously situation dependent. Usually mine
stays in the holster unless I'm practicing with it or something... but even in
that case I usually end up carrying something different that day so I can
practice with that particular gun. (I don't like carrying a dirty gun, for
more than one reason, with a few limited exceptions. )

The other thing is, if you're at a gun range, the fact that most people
are armed is basically implied, so it's not that much of a "secret" at that

Of course, some ranges have a rule that there are absolutely no loaded
guns behind the line when the range is cold, even if those guns are in a holster.... so obviously exposing someones transgression of that rule might be problematic. All you can really do is use your best judgement for whatever the given scenario is.

It just depends on who they are and how well you know them. Obviously the setting has a lot to do with it as well.

And the safety of doing so!

Yeah - who's within eye shot and where counts for a lot. There are people who I wouldn't think twice on showing as they've gone shooting with me (just don't have a license). Others, well, most likely not, but it depends on the situation and the location.
I had to have the same conversation with my wife as well. Unforunately her father had passed away and we were in the receiving line next to the coffin as mourners were passing by giving us their condolences. I gave her a hug and she put her hand right on my G26 I had in an IWB holseter under my suit jacket. She looks up at me and says, in a rather loud voice I might add,

"Your carrying at my father wake!"

Well, everyone in earshot heard and turned to look at me. Wasn't a very easy situation.
I had my two year old son pull up my shirt in the middle of the eating area on a busy day at Fanuel Hall... [thinking]

We made a hasty exit...
I had to have the same conversation with my wife as well. Unforunately her father had passed away and we were in the receiving line next to the coffin as mourners were passing by giving us their condolences. I gave her a hug and she put her hand right on my G26 I had in an IWB holseter under my suit jacket. She looks up at me and says, in a rather loud voice I might add,

"Your carrying at my father wake!"

Well, everyone in earshot heard and turned to look at me. Wasn't a very easy situation.

Ugh, now that sucks. My gf just tells everyone at her work what I've bought... so I've stopped telling her. [smile]
I was carrying on my waist at some event (don't remember now) a number of years ago. I gave my sister in law a hug and she felt my .40. She looked at me and asked, "What the hell is that?" I whispered to her to ignore the buldge under the jacket. Luckily no one paid much attention. That's about the closest so far.
I was carrying on my waist at some event (don't remember now) a number of years ago. I gave my sister in law a hug and she felt my .40. She looked at me and asked, "What the hell is that?" I whispered to her to ignore the buldge under the jacket. Luckily no one paid much attention. That's about the closest so far.

I know how that works... "intercepting" hugs is an art unto and of itself... and
while there is a technique for doing it, it doesn't always work. I managed
to do it once with my mom and this little old lady neighbor who I've known like

I've only been "bump frisked" once, by a 6 year old... and thankfully it
was in an environment where everyone else there knew that I usually carried
a gun,

I know how that works... "intercepting" hugs is an art unto and of itself... and
while there is a technique for doing it, it doesn't always work. I managed
to do it once with my mom and this little old lady neighbor who I've known like

Trust me, I've gotten alot better at hugging since then. [laugh]
This is all going on around the dinner table and suddenly Deena asks me "are you carrying right now?".

My grown daughter came up beside me yesterday as she normally does, put her arm around my waist and then just gave me her usual look [frown] For some reason she feels the need to pat me down every holiday. I think she is just keeping score.

My grown daughter came up beside me yesterday as she normally does, put her arm around my waist and then just gave me her usual look [frown] For some reason she feels the need to pat me down every holiday. I think she is just keeping score.


Just save her the time and tell her "yes" every time you see her. [thinking]
Anyone here worry about a stray finger on a trigger? Reading some of these accounts gives me the willies, especially with kids playing around.
Anyone here worry about a stray finger on a trigger? Reading some of these accounts gives me the willies, especially with kids playing around.

A good holster should cover the trigger, so that shouldn't be an issue. The only post that made me nervous was the one mentioning people taking there carry weapon out to show each other.
My GF was nice enough one evening to try to get me to show off my new tattoo on my rib cage.. Being playful "come on just show they it...!!!" and the drink she had didn't help.... she grabbed at the shirt and started up with it....I was quicker then she and avoided it....[smile]

My daughter tends to be curious...yet i think she is well aware that Dad always has something tucked in the right side of his pants..(she is 5 !) She knows i shoot in IDPA..." Daddy's going to play GOOD Guy ..Bad Guy at the range" and even asked when i will let her come watch me!! And knows I instruct.....So it's no big deal..to her!
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My daughter tends to be curious...yet i think she is well aware that Dad always has something tucked in the right side of his pants..(she is 5 !) She knows i shoot in IDPA..." Daddy's going to play GOOD Guy ..Bad Guy at the range" and even asked when i will let her come watch me!! And knows I instruct.....So it's no big deal..to her!

My daughter asks ever time she see's my shooting box:

"you going shooting, Daddy?"
Wow, these are some good (or bad) stories.

Today my boss checked me out up and down in a meeting. I asked him what the hell he was doing- he said he was checking to see if I was packing!! I told him if I was- he'd never know. :)
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Wow, these are some good (or bad) stories.

Today my boss checked me out up and down today in a meeting. I asked him what the hell he was doing- he said he was checking to see if I was packing!! I told him if I was- he'd never know. :)

Most people simply cannot figure it out by looking, even if you tell them you are.
I don't know if I've ever seen one like that. I'm pretty sure I don't own any like that, but will have to check. Hmmm.

You must have some VERY OLD holsters. I recall seeing 1950s vintage revolver holsters that didn't cover the trigger. But all modern pistol holsters that I see do cover the trigger. I wouldn't buy one that didn't!

It's time to stop rummaging around the $5 bin in the gun shops! [wink]
One day when we came home and I removed my "cover", my daughter noticed my pistol and said, "You carried that to the store?" I explained to her that Daddy carries everywhere he can. Especially the store. She had no problem with it.

We've had the talk about never mentioning a trip to the range to her teachers. Now we've had the conversation about never saying, "My daddy has a gun." or to never say "Shoot him Daddy.", if we have an encounter in public.

Both daughters understand that what I'm carrying is nobody's business including their's and they're to just keep their mouths shut.
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