otis hunt

Evan, I dont hunt there, but im in the NG there and I have seen a few deer trails and deer droppings especially up in the northwest corner of the base. Theres one particularly heavily worn train on CAT road, up near where it meets the powerlines. You will know your in the right area because there is a freshly repair washout just west of the trail. I dont know if its hunting area or if its Off Limits, but might be worth striking out that way...
yah it kind of sucks they dont allow us to scout until opening day, at least i wont be alone not having a clue where to start. its my first year hunting the base so i will have to learn the area fast.
IF YOU WANT.. and i am arround.. I can take you through .... I dont know the open areas for hunting (ive never hunted before) but I DO KNOW the lay of the base and what roads where....
On opening day drive through the main gate (Connery Ave) and then take your second left onto General Frank Perkins Road. Follow Perkins Road until you reach Forestdale/Sandwich Road; turn left. Follow Forestdale to the end where you will see a substation on your left. Park your car there. Follow the substation road west until you reach your second hill. Sit, watch, wait. MAKE SURE YOU ARE DRESSED HEAD TO TOE IN HUNTER ORANGE!!! When you see your first deer, usually around 0645 (or sunrise), duck! 200 hunters will suddenly appear and start shooting. The air will be thick with noise, slugs, 00 buckshot, and smoke. The deer, in all the confusion, will sneak away unscathed and the 200 hunters will disappear back into the landscape waiting for their second volley. Good times......good times.........
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On opening day drive through the main gate (Connery Ave) and then take your second left onto General Frank Perkins Road. Follow Perkins Road until you reach Forestdale/Sandwich Road; turn left. Follow Forestdale to the end where you will see a substation on your left. Park your car there. Follow the substation road west until you reach your second hill. Sit, watch, wait. MAKE SURE YOU ARE DRESSED HEAD TO TOE IN HUNTER ORANGE!!! When you see your first deer, usually around 0645 (or sunrise), duck! 200 will suddenly appear and start shooting. The air will be thick with noise, slugs, 00 buckshot, and smoke. The deer, in all the confusion, will sneak away unscathed and the 200 hunters will disappear back into the landscape waiting for their second volley. Good times......good times.........

sounds like myles standish on opening day[smile], i have had my share of buck shot whizz past me. i would really like to go up north to ME or NH and do some real hunting with my rifle.
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