open carry Petition to Massachusetts State Legislator and Governor Deval

There are many far more important gun rights issues in MA than open carry. Permission from your local police chief is required to OWN a handgun. Let's fix that first.
There are many far more important gun rights issues in MA than open carry. Permission from your local police chief is required to OWN a handgun. Let's fix that first.

+1 Rep Point

Succinct and right to the point! I agree 1000%.
"Open carry" is an imbecilic issue to get into now. First, it is tactically asinine; second, it is political suicide.

There are FAR more important issues to address.
Isn't open carry legal in MA? They can't arrest you for 'open carry' itself, isn't it a disturbance of the peace anyway?
Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean it isn't a bad idea. If someone was carrying openly in MA I'd guess that person would wind up getting introduced to the local law enforcement in most communities. If the LEOs are getting calls about some strange man wandering around with a gun, which they will most likely get considering the mindset of many in MA, they are going to be concerned for their safety when they go up to talk to the "strange man with a gun". They'll also probably be pissed off by the time they are done talking to him; he ended up wasting their time, scared the people in their town and made them concerned for their personal safety.

I'm guessing the LEO would call Mr. Strange's police chief and ask them why they felt Mr. Strange should be allowed to own a firearm when he's scaring the crap out of people with it. That would probably be bad for Mr. Strange next time he had to apply, and the Police Chief felt that Mr. Strange had really gone off the deep end or is misusing his firearms I'm the the Chief would revoke Mr. Strange's license.

*shugs* All hypothetical of course, but does it really strike anyone as far-fetched that this could happen in the Commonwealth?
Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean it isn't a bad idea. If someone was carrying openly in MA I'd guess that person would wind up getting introduced to the local law enforcement in most communities. If the LEOs are getting calls about some strange man wandering around with a gun, which they will most likely get considering the mindset of many in MA, they are going to be concerned for their safety when they go up to talk to the "strange man with a gun". They'll also probably be pissed off by the time they are done talking to him; he ended up wasting their time, scared the people in their town and made them concerned for their personal safety.

I'm guessing the LEO would call Mr. Strange's police chief and ask them why they felt Mr. Strange should be allowed to own a firearm when he's scaring the crap out of people with it. That would probably be bad for Mr. Strange next time he had to apply, and the Police Chief felt that Mr. Strange had really gone off the deep end or is misusing his firearms I'm the the Chief would revoke Mr. Strange's license.

*shugs* All hypothetical of course, but does it really strike anyone as far-fetched that this could happen in the Commonwealth?

I had that discussion with Chief Ron Glidden a few years ago and that is exactly how he said it would go down . . . with one addition . . . the likelihood of revocation due to "unsuitability".

BTW, Ron said that due to a bunch of Factory Outlet stores in Lee, MA that he faces this scenario a number of times/year.
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