Open Carry in CT? First I ever heard.

How do you like the comment from this pig? "I will call the police and file a complaint EVERY time I witness some gun nut openly displaying his weapon in front of me or my family.
bigloudbroad (04/19/2010, 2:32 AM )" This is te kind of scumbag who, when she does frivolously call the police, should then get the tables turned on her with filing a false report and harassment.
What the ability to open carry has meant to me over the last few days is really the ability to carry concealed more casually. In the past, I made sure I was 100% concealed. No lumps under clothing. No exposed IWB holster clips. Nothing.
Now I don't worry. It has been liberating. A J frame I previously carried in my pocket becomes unnoticeably light when carried on a belt in a pancake holster. The same can be said for a lightweight officers ACP and a Kahr PM9.

Just for yucks this weekend, I carried my Glock 34 in a large thumb break holster. About an inch of the extended bbl hung below my fleece vest. I didn't care and neither did anyone I encountered durring the course of my day.
This is true! I always wondered how hard it would be to avoid "brandishing", but I guess since open carry is legal, that'd mean actually shoving it in somebody's face or unholstering. You know... like a law... that is... reasonable.
they keep the laws vague so they can always charge you with something if they feel it is necessary. Ct likes grey area in their laws.leaves plenty of room for them to interpret as they see fit.
Open carrying in places like Cabela's is a great way to ease people back into seeing firearms in their daily lives without feeling threatened. It's true that no one in CT has been arrested for open carry since Goldberg. Educating people and taking as many friends as you can to the range is the best way to keep chiseling away at the laws anti's have pushed onto the books.
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