one if by land...two if by sea

Mar 6, 2006
northshore, ma
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
here are some jolly ol brits...please forgive me for being the WORST photographer EVER


top to bottom :
unissued no.4 mk.2 FAZ
us. property savage no.4 mk.1
era pattern 14 in original world war 1 stock
no.5 jungle carbine

once i learn how to take better pics ill take some more flattering ones of these old work horses
one if by land two if by sea

Nice Brits B-Hound!! super clean! i have several and just love them! i might just have a couple more comeing this weekend?? dont know yet, got a call
and have to look at them on saterday, (when it rains it pour,s) one is a
No1 MkIII, the other is an Ishy 7.62 and please dont apoligize for your
as far as im concerned Great Photo,s. i dont even know how to put them on the forum!! and by the way, i have a Savage Spike bayonet and two of the
Blade Bayonets but i dont have Sheaths for the blade ones! anyone know
where to get Sheaths for theses??? Again Nice Brits B-H we should have a
Brit-Shoot someday! if sure there would be alot of interest! Maybee at
the Haverhill Hound R&G Club/ thats a litle north of Boston!
Take Care Sheriff dudley s.a.s.s. #17925
sheriff im down for a milsurp shoot anytime...i think i own about 40 milsurp rifles...and ive probably shot 4 of em...check ebay for the sheaths...theres alot of good stuff on next adventure is to get all the correct bayos and stuff for all my milsurps
The british are comming!!!!!!!

That pic looks awesome and i'll bet they look better in person thats some of the best smelly's i have seen so far congrats!!!!!!!

I passed on two rifles a while back one was a P17 and the other was a P14 out of a private collection sale. I managed to buy up about 6 other rifles out of the collection but i wasn't sure about getting the P rifles back then because i just wasn't into them. Ever do that? You mind is set on going after one thing and you pass on another good buy. I have learned since then to buy what ever i don't already have when it comes along and its cheap and they look great. I had the $$$ and i let them pass me by. I have two smelly's a No1 MkIII and a No4 Mk1 and i may get a jungle carbine next.
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one if by land two if by sea

OK Lynne i will try to make that and i will bring a few toys! thanks!!
and B.T.W. Mil-4-Me where did you get that bayonet for the #1Mk3??
i have the #4s coverd but it would bue nice to hevy-out the #1Mk3 and
i think i am geting another #1Mk3 tomorow? the one i have is a Lithgow
i dont know about the one i will see tomorow(oh god i love Christmass
morning) the vision,s of bayonets and bandolears dancing in my head!!
i wont get any sleep tonight!

the Sheriff said that!!

Take Care S.D. i didnt clean the stocks...never touched them...thats how i bought them...all of my milsurps are in *pristine* condition...i dont mind paying a little...well sometimes alot...for a rifle in excellant shape...i collect as well as shoot so when i buy a milsurp i spend the extra $$$ for hand select...for example those 4 rifles together cost me over $1000...i know you can buy a beater enfield for $150...but i know i can get what i paid for my rifles later on if i ever decided to sell
one if by land two if by sea

...i know you can buy a beater enfield for $150...but i know i can get what i paid for my rifles later on if i ever decided to sell[/QUOTE]

I saw some beaters at the Morlboro show going for $250.00 does anyone know
what a #4Mk2 in mint condition with a Blade bayonet thats still in the wraper
the bayo that is! would be worth??? any-idea,s??? anyone.
would it be worth #225.00 mint-mint-mint?? i might know where one is for that kind of money Hummm.

sheriff dudley s.a.s.s.#17925
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