Oklahoma Tea Parties and Lawmakers Envision Militia


NES Member
Jul 9, 2009
Townsend MA
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Oklahoma Tea Parties and Lawmakers Envision Militia

Frustrated by recent political setbacks, tea party leaders and some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature say they would like to create a new volunteer militia to help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty.

Tea party movement leaders say they've discussed the idea with several supportive lawmakers and hope to get legislation next year to recognize a new volunteer force. They say the unit would not resemble militia groups that have been raided for allegedly plotting attacks on law enforcement officers.

"Is it scary? It sure is," said tea party leader Al Gerhart of Oklahoma City, who heads an umbrella group of tea party factions called the Oklahoma Constitutional Alliance. "But when do the states stop rolling over for the federal government?"

Thus far, the discussions have been exploratory. Even the proponents say they don't know how an armed force would be organized nor how a state-based militia could block federal mandates. Critics also asserted that the force could inflame extremism, and that the National Guard already provides for the state's military needs.
(more here- http://www.thefoxnation.com/politics/2010/04/13/oklahoma-tea-parties-and-lawmakers-envision-militia)
Why do I get the strange sense this would be a federally funded, handled and infiltrated operation? Are people really this stupid? They basically say "let's create a reason to be arrested so that you can join us and be arrested," ummm, no thanks Mr. Hal Turner/FBI op guy.
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This is a VERY BAD idea, especially coming from the home of the Murragh building!

Linking the Tea Party effort to local militia's sound likes a plan coming out of the White House.
The only way something like this has a chance of being accepted is if state lawmakers disband their National Guard units and re-implement a militia as the founding fathers envisioned it - under state control and NOT liable to be commanded by the Federal Government.

The Tea Party people and the state legislators involved in this are right about one thing: if the states continue to go up against the feds sooner or later they are going to need some sort of force that can protect states' rights. National Guard units are unlikely to do so.
I wouldn't dismiss this out of hand. National Guard belongs to the Federal government, ultimately. Reagan proved this to Dukakis in 1984, and Obama is making new moves limiting states' ability to deploy NG forces.

If it comes to states against the feds, an alternative militia will be needed. So, why not?
Some states already have them, at least in name

Ohio Military Reserve

Ohio Naval Militia

These units are answerable to no one in the .fed. They cannot be federalized. They are state defense forces.

I see nothing wrong with what Oklahoma is doing. Some of you talk tough but when a state takes a stand the same lot of you shirk like violets.

I am pretty sure VA has a self defense force, I recall seeing a guy in BDU's at a gun show down there with VA Defense Force on his service tape.
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