Ohio moving in the right direction

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CCW improvements and statewide gun law pre-emption

It's an almost certainty that the Senate and the House will turn the bill into an Act of the Legislature. Our moron RINO remains the wild card. Ohioans for CCW claim there is no indication Gov Taft will veto the Act, so it will become law either 90 days after he signs it or 100 days after he recieves it and takes no action.
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Much better -- they got rid of the "plain sight" in a car idiocy. Hopefully Taft will sign it and I can bring a friend the next time I visit the in-laws.

Sure wish they would allow carry into a restaurant that also serves alcohol.

Jaxon -- they don't need to issue a non-res license -- Ohio already recognizes Florida licenses (including non-res Florida licenses).
Update, the bill made it out of Senate Committee, through the Senate floor, through the House (where it passed by a 74-14 vote), and into Bob "I'm a dumbass RINO" Taft's desk all this afternoon.

Even if Taft vetoes it, the overwhelming majority made the Act veto proof.

Update, the bill made it out of Senate Committee, through the Senate floor, through the House (where it passed by a 74-14 vote), and into Bob "I'm a dumbass RINO" Taft's desk all this afternoon.

Even if Taft vetoes it, the overwhelming majority made the Act veto proof.


Now that's a piece of good news. [smile]
Not everyone has a FL LTC.. yet. And I'm just thinking ahead.
True, but it is easy to get (shall issue and can be done by mail) and it is perhaps the non-resident LTC with the widest reciprocity. So even if OH does offer a non-res license in the future, it may make more sense to get the FL non-res.
Word is now dickhead Taft will veto the bill. Luckily, two of the Senators that were absent from the floor vote are very pro-gun and can be counted on to make it past the 20 vote mark necessary for the Senate to override our moron-in-chief.

Then will come the inevitable lawsuits from KKKolumbus, Shitcinnati, and KKKleveland whining about the violation of home rule. However, word is that our Supreme Court would not look favorably on those claims.
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