Oh good..Canadian Special Forces pulls new pistols from service after soldier injured in misfire

Stuff like this makes you wish sig was publicly traded lol.

Sigs new handgun wins army trials... stock price all time high

320s misfire when dropped... all time low

It'd be a wild Rollercoaster to watch
I believe that an investgation already showed that the discharge was caused by using the incorrect holster with the gun. You really should use a holster designed for the gun you carry. Duh!
I have been shooting for 45 years and have seen only one accidental discharge, I've seen quite a few negligent discharges, but just the one accidental discharge. It was a slam fire from a third-generation Glock 17. Lucky the guy was pointing the gun in a safe direction.
Yea it seems like it was user error from what I've been reading. I'm not gonna be giving up on my 320 any time soon, especially since I just bought an icarus grip mod, agency arms barrel and Jagerworks slide... lots of money I'll never get back surely haha
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