Obamacare and Gun Control

From my observations and talking with my doctor, I think the less said during an examination the better off you may be. I don't mean not to discuss physical symptons, and there is a grey line here, as my dr. has gone to entering everything into a networked computer system. Which from my understanding is one part of the law's requirements, it will become accessable to the greatest health care scandal ever in the name of improving everyones health and treatments and lowering the costs. Just like the clowns who say anyone who wants to own a gun must be crazy and therefore should be banned from having them, scary is that potentially a bureaucrat with an agenda will have the power to harm you without your knowledge or any recourse once it is done.

Tin foil hat off> [tinfoil]
From my observations and talking with my doctor, I think the less said during an examination the better off you may be. I don't mean not to discuss physical symptons, and there is a grey line here, as my dr. has gone to entering everything into a networked computer system. Which from my understanding is one part of the law's requirements, it will become accessable to the greatest health care scandal ever in the name of improving everyones health and treatments and lowering the costs. Just like the clowns who say anyone who wants to own a gun must be crazy and therefore should be banned from having them, scary is that potentially a bureaucrat with an agenda will have the power to harm you without your knowledge or any recourse once it is done.

Tin foil hat off> [tinfoil]
The less people know about your personal business, the better off you are. That was advice that was given to me by my parents when my sister and I were just kids. Was true back in the day and even more true now. With the dentist, I discuss dental issues. Eye doctor, vision issues. Family MD? General health issues. What I own or what my interests are do not get discussed at all. It is irrelevant and a waste of time.
While I'm mainly in agreement with crazymjb, it's worth noting in Massachusetts a PTSD diagnosis can easily trigger a suitability revocation by your police chief.
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