Obama revives talk of U.N. gun control

May I?

I used to think the Agenda 21-ers were a bunch of conspiracy kooks...Used to...[thinking]
Seems that is quite the trend lately.. things that was dismissed as "wing-nut conspiracy theory" just a few years ago has been coming to light as having some truth to it. I shutter to think of what some of the other things that fall in the same category are. There are a few here that I dismissed as too crazy, but now nothing would surprise me:

Ya beat me to it.
Do you really think this administration cares about the second ammendment or the constitution?????????????? The UN is the srong arm of the government!
Alright, I must confess ignorance. What's the big deal about Agenda 21? I didn't read the UN link in-depth, but it seems (at first blush) to not do a whole lot. What's the lowdown that has everyone so bent out of shape?
Alright, I must confess ignorance. What's the big deal about Agenda 21? I didn't read the UN link in-depth, but it seems (at first blush) to not do a whole lot. What's the lowdown that has everyone so bent out of shape?

First, don't confess ignorance - just suffice it to say you're uninformed. We all can cop to that my friend. I think you should read more in-depth. Anytime you see things like "sustainable development" "changing consumption patterns" etc . that are mixed into a plan of action to be taken on "globally, nationally and locally", your short hairs should stand up. When you further read about "global parks" taking the place of national parks and things like "global corridors", be afraid, pissed, suspicious, defiant, or a combination. Couple all this muck in with one of the most socialist Presidents ever negotiating gun control with the United Nations and you have a recipe for disaster...

Getting about time for folks to stir I reckon...
I wouldn't get too worked up about this. Obama can sign all the treaties he wants but they have to be voted on by the Senate and he does not have the support and votes to get this passed!
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