NRA Selling US out...

Do you check out their website? There was plenty about Holder up there as soon as his nomination was hinted at. There was even a thread or two, as I recall, started in the off-topic section that referenced the NRA's article on him.

No. I guess it was all for naught anyway since he was confirmed by the Senate today.
Re: Holder - it's all about the fights that can be won. And I'm not disagreeing with you in any way. The fact he was anti-2A does little in the minds of Senators seeing as if given the chance some would abolish the Second altogether. Since the general public has little say as to the confirmation of a cabinet position, I don't see how the NRA could have changed anything in that regard. And the one Senator (forget his name) that questioned Holder about his 2A stance got an earfull of typical legaleze vague answers. Short of a march on the Capital or massive non-tax related scandal (cuz that doesn't do anything ala Geithner & Daschle), Holder was getting in.

But what do I know. I only pretend to be smart and listen to the wrong talk radio station.
In my opinion, the NRA is better than nothing. Think of where we would be if there wasn't an 800 lbs. gorilla looming over the .gov. They may not be perfect, and perhaps they only fight the fights they think they can win, but I'm still a member and will support them.

The NRA is far from the 800 pound gorilla, at this point in politics its really just a large fringe group.

The NRA is just a tool for us to use in our fight against those who want to take our rights. We the people are the ones that have to actually do something in order to change things or keep bad things from happening and as a whole we do not do enough. Sending in $30 a year and then bitching about how it is spent is NOT doing enough.

Hear hear!

This is generally the direction that I lean it, we cannot as firearms owners, shooters or gun enthusiasts, just write a $30 check to the NRA or to GOAL and think that we just won a major battle. This fight needs boots on the ground, vocal opposition and leadership in communities to bring new shooters aboard.

Mikey said:
Also I don't care what anyone says the NRA is quite "powerful", if they were not we won't see presidential hopefuls pleading their case before the NRA and its members, we wouldn't see high level politicians at the NRA annual meetings and we certainly wouldn't see the NRA demonized by the MSM if they were not a threat. I for one think my life membership money was well spend on an important tool.

That is where we disagree. My thoughts are that the group is not as powerful as we think it really is. If it were we would see true and real change and not 'please dont cross this line' tactics like yielding on some rights to gain a foothold for other rights.

It usually takes a lot for me to actually post on this board, and this post has done it.

In times where we need to be unified, in a similar fashion as the gun-grabbers, we continue to fragment and decrease our potency. The NRA is the only organization that has protected our rights so far. Could someone please name an organization that has done more? I will be waiting patiently but I doubt anyone will come up with one, and please do not say GOA they have not passed a single piece of legislation.

Far from it. The NRA does not get involved in the smaller battles, its the people. Eventually the NRA may offer legal support or financial assistance for a battle but they are not really on the forefront. Instead of attempting to name an organization that has done more, how about we name one that has done less with the same like Pink Pistols or 2A Sisters? Same message...

IrishIron said:
I would be more then happy to describe the political process to anyone on this board but I am not sure I would not get through to many. The first part of the education would be to take part in a committee hearing and understood exactly what goes on. There are compromises and esp. in a state like MA where we don't possess the power to vote them out. Unfortunately, the same people that criticize GOAL and say they are not doing anything for gun owners will be quick to blame the NRA as well.

To be fair, this is a failure of the gun owners and not the NRA or GOAL. If the Brady Bunch and Mayors against Guns can push agendas...why cant we? There are enough of us arent there? We can vote with our votes, our dollars, and our letters....but that doesnt happen either.
I'll send in double the donation this year to make up for you. You find some other way to further the cause and we'll call it even.

I'm already a Life Member. The issue is that you either stand on your principles or you don't. I have no stomach for people who won't stand on their principles (all Politicians) and instead use our Constitutional Rights as pawns in a game and gamble with them.

Two trains of thought. They either didn't give a crap gambling that either the House or the Senate won't pass a bill or they are daring the Demoncrats to try an pass something to make sure they look bad.

Either way, John McCain, VOTED FOR HOLDER. Let's not forget that. Lastly, the Repubics are gutless due to the fact that there's so much percieved "Obama Love" that they don't want to rock the boat.

It's sickening.
Sadly the whole gun rights thing is largely regional. the more urban and area, the less positive exposure to firearms. Outside the south and mountain west the numbers are on the Anti's side.

IMO the best thing anyone in this region can do outside sending money to GOAL is to get new shooters interested in the sport, especially if you can get them exposed to "black rifles." If people have never seen one outside movies or reading about them in crime stories they are scary. Once they get to use one, not so much.

If we all did this we'd have a lot more luck convincing legislators that more gun control measures won't go over well.

Mass. is never going to be a free state, but we can at least do something to make even MORE gun control less popular.
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