NRA funds Granite Shoals, TX police ballistic helmets

oooh a whole $2880, I hope that doesn't put a big dent in their bank account!

That's like one of us dropping a quarter in the salvation army bucket.

They could afford to buy them for the whole state of Texas if they wanted.
Actually, it's the NRA Foundation granting the funds. The foundation is a separate entity, a 501(C) (3) that gets its money from volunteer activities like the Friends of NRA raffles and dinners, and not from any of the NRA dues or other funds. As such, it can't do any political lobbying or candidate support. Most of the funds they raise go to support the shooting sports, junior teams, etc.
oooh a whole $2880, I hope that doesn't put a big dent in their bank account!

That's like one of us dropping a quarter in the salvation army bucket.

They could afford to buy them for the whole state of Texas if they wanted.

Under $3,000 for helmets???


That is pretty pathetic considering (1) decent OpsCore ballistic helmet retails for $1,600.

Maybe the NRA secretly bought the police the "Airsoft" version!
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