No sales to Jersey City PD

Conversely, gun companies should stop selling guns to PDs that have questionable officer involved shootings or NDs.
Jersey City typically purchases about $250,000 in ammunition and guns each year

pfft That's a slow month for NES.

I wish these companies would just stop selling to these moonbats. Let the PD put pressure on the politicians when they can't get anyone to supply them.
I think there are ~ 15k more or less active members: lets say $10/month/head (in guns/ammo/magazines/etc) = $150k
Call it 1500 green (and likely more active) members: lets say $30/month/head = $45k
Maybe 150 hyperactive members/gun buyers: $250/month/head = $37.5k
15ish people that have too much money and should find additional hobbies: $750 = $11.25k

Total: $244k / month

NICS claims to process ~ 20m checks a year, and a quick google query puts the number of gun owners ~ 50m, so figure every other person buys a gun a year or 7000 of "us" @ maybe $350/gun = $2.45m / 12 mos = $204k / month with is near enough to the ballpark calculation to call it a confirmation.

So yeah, a slow month at NES. CONFIRMED
Regulations are for contracts in excess of $500k. City does $250k a year...... So every one year contract requires no change. What a joke. Total political posturing. Want to buy Colt ARs? Buy them on a one time contract so that there is no reporting but the city can say they are "socially responsible".
Questions include how firms dispose of old weapons and comply with background-check laws

Stupid people should not breed. These dealers are Federal Dealers and are required by law to do all due diligence inclusive of background checks on all private sales. Just who do they run for a name on a background check to a PD?

…and whether they make semiautomatic rifles—often called assault weapons—for sale to civilians…

Barf…. These are Dealers not manufacturers. They ask do you make semi autos and the answer is a resounding, “NO!” If they answer, “Yes” for sale to civilians what is that town going to do, violate the bidding process? That won’t go well for them.

"It shows municipalities and police departments have the ability to shape the dialogue,"

How? What dialogue?

Further, gun suppliers who bid to sell to police departments like Jersey City's are often middlemen

Correct. So this accomplishes nothing.

requesting manufacturers' standards in choosing dealers and if they are developing gun safety technologies.

Dealers do not develop gun safety technology, the manufactures do.

Activists hope that public police departments can leverage their purchasing power to push gun manufacturers to invest in safer weapons and not sell to retailers that have track records of selling to criminals.

Pardon me? This city is doing business with FELONS and they expect answers?
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