No need for long guns in Boston

Knob Creek

NES Member
Oct 9, 2007
South Coast Mass
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Right or wrong, on this issue n his mind, we are all equal it seems. I think he sucks, but I cannot fault him for this.
So much the better if LEO's get PO,d against the moonbats too. They above all, should know that the libs are not on their side.
While i'm not one for "militarizing" our LE agencies, this just seems stupid to restrict LEO's on duty to pistols only? Dumb.

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Right or wrong, on this issue n his mind, we are all equal it seems. I think he sucks, but I cannot fault him for this.

it's a political decision for him. he isn't making this call because he thirsts for equality. it's just to save face. he already won his election so no longer needs the police unions support until time for re-election, at which time he will change his views again.
Well maybe now the MBTA and Amtrak police walking around South Station toting their M4s will have to leave them in the car. I'm sure they'll love that.
“Police officers were trained back in the day to be street cops. Today they’re terrorist specialists,” Walsh said.
Exhibit A.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh today said he will not support routine use of long guns for patrol officers in Boston’s neighborhoods — contrary to demands by the city’s police unions for heavier armor and weapons — contending such weaponry should be kept in reserve for crisis situations.

Coming soon: a new definition of "crisis situation" to mean anything they want it to.
Wow, the nonsense just keeps on coming from the moonbats.
the day after thanksgiving I took my Family to New York city because my 14 year old daughter wanted to see the Rockettes.
On almost every corner I saw pairs of LE's. one with a "long rifle" and one without.
I liked it , I felt they were ready if the sh#t hit the fan. You telling me now they can't do that here?
I swear the Muslim Brotherhood is running the US government, time to get out the tin foil hat

good, take away all their assault rifles, especially the full auto ones. They're too dangerous for anyone but military.

People don't realize, it was the cops how armed up first, not the people. You didn't start to see AR-15s being used on cops til long after cops started carrying AR-15s.

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Is it just the picture or does he have that eotech shoved in his eye?

perspective - the Eotech is probably 4 inches from touching his face.

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Exhibit A.


I find the dials easier to adjust if they're backwards.
Funny, every morning when I walk through South Station I see Transit cops in body armor toting what look like MP5's in .45 ACP and the occasional M4's.
Funny, every morning when I walk through South Station I see Transit cops in body armor toting what look like MP5's in .45 ACP and the occasional M4's.

Yeah, but that's the MBTA and Amtrak. This is BPD asking for guns, so obviously they're not allowed to have them. [rolleyes]
Wow, the nonsense just keeps on coming from the moonbats.
the day after thanksgiving I took my Family to New York city because my 14 year old daughter wanted to see the Rockettes.
On almost every corner I saw pairs of LE's. one with a "long rifle" and one without.
I liked it , I felt they were ready if the sh#t hit the fan. You telling me now they can't do that here?
I swear the Muslim Brotherhood is running the US government, time to get out the tin foil hat

Having persons with FA armament on street corners "just in case" is what they do in occupied countries.
I like this one better, a bit further down the page:

On the posting, I strangely don't have an issue with it. Let them join the plebs in armament. It's not that I want to see the police, myself or you underarmed, I just have a problem that they get special treatment, including the ones that pass legislation, through exemptions on laws that effect everyone else and yet are expected to enforce those laws. Somehow, Overlords seems the best wording.
Boston Police Commissioner William Evans
"These types of assault weapons have no place on our streets. We have tough gun laws in our state, and this notice will make them even tougher. I applaud AG Healey and her efforts to help make our state and all our cities safer."

Guess he didn't realize that quote would lead to this, huh?
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