NM Governor bans guns in Albuquerque

Folks...we need to face the hard reality that we are no longer, and haven't been for at least 30 years, the United States of America. We are no longer united under one constitution. The governors and district, federal and state and US supreme court judges and those that purportedly represent us in Washington, DC do what they want with no regard whatsoever to the US or even their own state's constitutions, which in large part, mirror the US Constitution. I often wonder if the next step will be the "Balkanization" of this country and how that would look...in retrospect, it may have already started.

Interesting short read:

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How do you appeal a gubernatorial executive order?

I don't think there's a mechanism for appealing a government action if it hasn't been used against you.

She can certainly be sued in US court, but it would be pretty easy for a judge to rule lack of standing because the person bringing the suit won't have been harmed. And if the suit does go forward? All she has to do is rescind the order and then the case goes away.

The problem here isn't really the gun order: that's plainly unconstitutional. The problem is that she can apparently declare an "emergency" with no real need to prove there's an actual emergency. That's got to get reined in.
Good questions, not sure how you appeal it. I guess appeal just means
Excited Arrested Development GIF
No one wants to be the first cow into the slaughtering chute.

Well, but that's what I'm saying.

Everyone is telling me it's just a simple suit to file, "being drawn up as we speak." I agree that the constitutionality of this move is completely nonexistent: every government official in NM except Lujan seems to be admitting that. So... if it's that obvious, then what kind of "slaughtering chute" exists?

I dunno.
Well, but that's what I'm saying.

Everyone is telling me it's just a simple suit to file, "being drawn up as we speak." I agree that the constitutionality of this move is completely nonexistent: every government official in NM except Lujan seems to be admitting that. So... if it's that obvious, then what kind of "slaughtering chute" exists?

I dunno.
It's Saturday. The courts are closed. She just made the dictate yesterday afternoon. How about we give it until Monday or Tuesday to allow the suits to be filed? 🤔
Folks...we need to face the hard reality that we are no longer, and haven't been for at least 30 years, the United States of America. We are no longer united under one constitution. The governors and district, federal and state and US supreme court judges and those that purportedly represent us in Washington, DC do what they want with no regard whatsoever to the US or even their own state's constitutions, which in large part, mirror the US Constitution. I often wonder if the next step will be the "Balkanization" of this country and how that would look...in retrospect, it may have already started.

Interesting short read:

As a product of the 1950s and 60s I have to admit that these days I am no longer surprised at the professional grade level of ignorance and abject dishonesty that seems to have become ingrained in both the federal and state governments as well as in a disheartenly large portion of the population in general.

It would appear that there is very little understanding of just how this country historically grew and survived all that it did in its past. The generation that fought for freedom in WW2 has past for the most part and looking at today's generations is not necessarily overly encouraging should we find ourselves in a future worldwide fight for our very survival.

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It's Saturday. The courts are closed. She just made the dictate yesterday afternoon. How about we give it until Monday or Tuesday to allow the suits to be filed? 🤔

Cool. Guess it's bound to happen Monday then.

Everyone who has any balls ought to be open-carrying everything they have, every day. Lol.
Dumpster is missing the flames. [laugh]

I would guess that the visible lack of flames probably indicts that the fire has already consumed all that we held dear at one time and all that remains is the slowly dying out coals of the fond remembrances of old people sitting around a campfire and gazing wistfully into what once was their past shared history .........but it is also possible that I am just being overly optimistic I suppose.....
😂😂😂. Yeah right.

EVERY libtard governor is watching this and hoping to do the same. It will take time for courts to smack her down, but even that will be drawn out, with notorious judge shopping by Soros DA’s, etc.

We’re watching tyrants in action. Court smack down?

Issue another exec order an hour later. Another year to go through courts. Repeat.
Ban Executive orders.

There won't be any "appeals," because there won't be any convictions. Because there won't be any prosecutions. Because there won't be any arrests.

The local LEO chiefs have said they're not going to enforce this. Why do you think the courts will ever get involved? There won't be any harms at law, so there won't be any action they can take.

She's said she's "sending a message." Well, fine; I'm not sure it's the message she thinks she's sending, but sure. Whatever. She can bleat as she pleases. Nobody's going to obey her, including sworn guys with badges, so there won't be any actionable effects.
Yes I get about the message. It is same - no constitutional right is absolute. Any right you think you have can be suspended by any executive twat for no reason. First 2-3 times it will be fussed about, then people will start getting it for granted.

As that is how things get done. All this is about is setting up precedents and preparing society to accept these ideas.

And, what in the world you say about ‘nobody going to obey’? We all know that all the police she commands absolutely will obey and enforce. As if not all nonobidient will be replaced overnight.
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Not only is she criminally level stupid, she's as arrogant as they come.

One could be forgiven for thinking that this politician is suffering from a terminal case of the well-known disease of the arrogance of ignorance as defined by the documented Dunning-Kruger Effect:


It may also be possible that this individual suffers from the inability to understand just what in fact the concept of Constitutional actually means and could benefit by contacting the following organization:

The mere act of being placed in jeopardy of losing one's freedom under an unconstitutional dictate causes harm of being denied the free exercise of a protected right and establishes standing.
And there should be serious repercussions for it. I know it’ll never happen but, I honestly think that politicians who pull this crap should get 10 years in prison and loss of pension for proposing something unconstitutional. She’d have no problem with someone going to prison over her edict, well great, if her edict is found unconstitutional, then we’ll see her in 10 years.
Stop listening to ALL of them. These people are nuts, not law makers or Politicians strait up no holdsbar fking nuts.
And there should be serious repercussions for it. I know it’ll never happen but, I honestly think that politicians who pull this crap should get 10 years in prison and loss of pension for proposing something unconstitutional. She’d have no problem with someone going to prison over her edict, well great, if her edict is found unconstitutional, then we’ll see her in 10 years.

The problem in this particular case is that states of emergency DO confer extraordinary powers for the duration of the emergency; that concept has existed in law for many decades. I'm sure there are examples of RKBA being suspended in response to prior emergencies, and I bet courts have backed them up. So any politician infringing on these rights needs to be able to show there was a duly declared state of emergency, which I'm sure they'd be able to do.

My beef with this, other than the RKBA implications, is that there's no freaking "state of emergency" in New Mexico. Murders, even murders at a higher-than-normal rate, are not public health emergencies. So her declaration is shit, meaning so is what she's doing in response to it. I don't know what standard NM law sets for the declaration of a state of emergency with accompanying assumption of dictatorial powers by the governor, but I'd imagine it's higher than "because I said so."

That's the bigger problem here.
The problem in this particular case is that states of emergency DO confer extraordinary powers for the duration of the emergency; that concept has existed in law for many decades. I'm sure there are examples of RKBA being suspended in response to prior emergencies, and I bet courts have backed them up. So any politician infringing on these rights needs to be able to show there was a duly declared state of emergency, which I'm sure they'd be able to do.

My beef with this, other than the RKBA implications, is that there's no freaking "state of emergency" in New Mexico. Murders, even murders at a higher-than-normal rate, are not public health emergencies. So her declaration is shit, meaning so is what she's doing in response to it. I don't know what standard NM law sets for the declaration of a state of emergency with accompanying assumption of dictatorial powers by the governor, but I'd imagine it's higher than "because I said so."

That's the bigger problem here.
This is my problem with giving anyone dictatorial powers.
They’ll abuse it eventually.
I’ve been at the point for a long time now where I realize that living in a free society comes with risk.
I’d gleefully accept that to live in an actual free society.
Yes, I realize that I’m in the minority.
The problem in this particular case is that states of emergency DO confer extraordinary powers for the duration of the emergency; that concept has existed in law for many decades. I'm sure there are examples of RKBA being suspended in response to prior emergencies, and I bet courts have backed them up. So any politician infringing on these rights needs to be able to show there was a duly declared state of emergency, which I'm sure they'd be able to do.

My beef with this, other than the RKBA implications, is that there's no freaking "state of emergency" in New Mexico. Murders, even murders at a higher-than-normal rate, are not public health emergencies. So her declaration is shit, meaning so is what she's doing in response to it. I don't know what standard NM law sets for the declaration of a state of emergency with accompanying assumption of dictatorial powers by the governor, but I'd imagine it's higher than "because I said so."

That's the bigger problem here.
The so called "emergency" is complete and utter fraud, she knows it and so does everyone else. What she did will have no direct or indirect effect on resolving this so called "emergency" either, it only exacerbates the situation.
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