NJ stepping in it again.


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 20, 2013
Clinton, MA
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Gentleman is a licensed armed security guard.

Gentleman has all applicable permits to carry in NJ.

Gentleman has Critical Duty ammunition in his firearm.

Critical Duty ammunition is specifically allowed under NJ law, which otherwise bans "hollow point" ammunition.

Gentleman is pulled over for a window tint violation.

Gentleman declares his firearm and all permits to police officers, as required by law.

Police officers arrest him and charge him with violation of the hollow point ban, and other firearms charges.

Gentleman is suspended from work pending outcome.

Gentleman happens to be a black man. Police officers are both white.

Roosevelt Twyne (the Gentleman) has a good cause for false arrest in my opinion. (IANAL)

This kind of thing is why the gun-grabbers end up saying "bUt tH3 s3C0nD @m3NdM3nT iS f0R wH!t3s 0Nly!" See also: Philando Castile.

To which my retort is, "You know, when we find that some group of individuals is being denied the ability to exercise a right because of their race, or some other innate, immutable characteristic, our usual reaction is to work to secure that right for that group of people, not to take that right away from everybody. And that's the way it *should* work. The right to self-defense is no different."
This kind of thing is why the gun-grabbers end up saying "bUt tH3 s3C0nD @m3NdM3nT iS f0R wH!t3s 0Nly!" See also: Philando Castile.

To which my retort is, "You know, when we find that some group of individuals is being denied the ability to exercise a right because of their race, or some other innate, immutable characteristic, our usual reaction is to work to secure that right for that group of people, not to take that right away from everybody. And that's the way it *should* work. The right to self-defense is no different."

I agree, except for Philando Castillo. He was not a "law abiding" gun owner, as he was federally ineligible to have a firearm, on account of his marijuana use, which, regardless if you agree or disagree, is against the law.
I just hope NJ gets screwed harder and more deeply than a pedophile in gen-pop over this crapshoot.
Absolutely agree. I hope this guy sues everybody and his or her brother and wins a metric ton of money. Also nothing would make me happier then for a bunch of people to lose their jobs. Probably not going to happen but we can always hope.
He’s going to have plenty of money after this to move out of the state if he can, or buy a shitload more ammo and guns if he can’t.
My wife's uncle was a federal prosecutor and one of the top lawyers in NJ, he was telling me that the feds were pushing all prosecutors to carry a gun but he refused based on NJs record of treating gun owners. He said unless you were friends with the right people it wasn't worth the hassle of dealing with a cop if you get pulled over.
He’s going to have plenty of money after this to move out of the state if he can, or buy a shitload more ammo and guns if he can’t.
I want the officers involved to lose qualified immunity and be destitute for the rest of their lives, after facing 3x the same prison term he would have faced.
I want the officers involved to lose qualified immunity and be destitute for the rest of their lives, after facing 3x the same prison term he would have faced.

Read Howie Carr's article on the state police and how they were obtaining firearms. If one of the little people (us) did that, we would be in prison.
I was hoping our Maura would be the one to take things too far and feel the hammer. These guys may be running her down though.
I'm sure someone is going to dangle a big check in front of him to make it all go away.
Not much will happen here. Cops will get a slap on the wrist and told not to mess up their understanding of the law next time.
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Holy Shit
This is messed up. The two lawyers should ge infront of the judge the defense lawyer says "this ammo is legal" ... 10 minutes later they both walk away. The defense for this should cost 1hr of lawyer time.

The legal system in this country is as bad as some of the socialist countries I lived in.
When I first read the thread title "NJ stepping in it again" my first reactions was....."No, you've got it backwards.......NJ is the steamy pile.....not the foot...."
My view was they stepped right in the horse manure, and expected to not stink.

If places like NJ keep playing fast and loose with the law and stiring up the poop, one can hope that SCOTUS will step in and make them lick the spoon.
This is messed up. The two lawyers should ge infront of the judge the defense lawyer says "this ammo is legal" ... 10 minutes later they both walk away. The defense for this should cost 1hr of lawyer time.

The legal system in this country is as bad as some of the socialist countries I lived in.
Gotta love the blood sucking lawyers

View: https://youtu.be/0Nz8YrCC9X8
This is messed up. The two lawyers should ge infront of the judge the defense lawyer says "this ammo is legal" ... 10 minutes later they both walk away. The defense for this should cost 1hr of lawyer time.

The legal system in this country is as bad as some of the socialist countries I lived in.

No, this should have been handled between the police officer and Mr. Twyne on the side of the road. 10 minutes and maybe a phone call to the supervisor later, they are both on their way. One with a tint ticket, and the other with a little better understanding of the laws he is charged with enforcing.

Someone tell me again how cops are all for us law-abiding citizens right to keep and bear arms, and it's just the criminals they want to keep off the streets?

No, this should have been handled between the police officer and Mr. Twyne on the side of the road. 10 minutes and maybe a phone call to the supervisor later, they are both on their way. One with a tint ticket, and the other with a little better understanding of the laws he is charged with enforcing.

Someone tell me again how cops are all for us law-abiding citizens right to keep and bear arms, and it's just the criminals they want to keep off the streets?


I don't think they really do give a crap about the law
NY is just as bad.
We'll just make this shit up as we go and YOU can try and prove you are innocent.
IF you can afford to.
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