NH: Public Hearing to REMOVE the right to self-defense (01/22/13)

I saw it live, considering the anger in the room I think the citizens showed remarkable restraint. If things got Ugly,that video would have led the news on WMUR.
Evan Nappen is affiliated with PGNH. Penny Dean is with GONH. Unless the orgs have buried the hatchet (which would be great), I doubt one would be speaking for the other org.
I just shot this off to Pantelakos

Dear Representative Pantelakos,

I just heard about your outburst during yesterdays meeting on SB135.
I believe you were quoted as saying "Show some respect for the members of this committee. We are forced to sit here and suffer through this…I am not going to tolerate this!"
I think that possibly after all the years of serving, you may have come under the notion that you are above some of your constituents. I'd like to take the time to remind you that
you are in in elected position and not above anyone. If you feel that you are being subjected to undue suffering because you may have to listen to an occasional outburst
from people that are passionate about being able to protect themselves, then I recommend that you step down and let someone that truly loves this state and actually believes
that "Live free or die" should be our motto instead of "Live in fear and cower".

Get used to those crowds. As long as there are folks like you that would disarm our law abiding citizens, there will people like us fighting you tooth and nail.
Dear Representative Pantelakos, [FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
[FONT=Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I am deeply saddened that you had to sit through those ridiculous gun totting voters yesterday in hearing SB135. I heard you say that you were suffering sitting there. Well since you took an oath saying you would defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights, I must remind you, that you swore to uphold the Second Amendment as well as the rest of them. [/FONT]I think that possibly after all the years of serving, you may have come under the notion that you are above some of your constituents. You do not get to cherry pick which ideals you think we as free citizens are allowed to keep, some how thinking you have more insight into the liberties of free men and women over our founding fathers. Feel free to resign and make the people of New Hampshire happy since you seem to be so displeased on listening to our voices. As long as people like you wish to disarm law abiding citizens, we will show our support in large numbers peacefully protesting, rather then spouting furious words as if you had a lordship over us.

Stole a line, hope you don't mind good sir.

Originally Posted by SpaceCritter
Pardon the obvious noob question, but what was the source of the falling out between the two organizations?

I believe it was the Constitutional Carry Bill.

Not to drift the thread, but it goes back farther than that. PGNH is essentially an offshoot organization made up of people from the Great GO-NH Revolt.

Think Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.
These graphs are from John Lott's book More Guns Less Crime, third edition...




I'm not familiar with the book - what are these graphs based on? What country/etc?

For the sake of comparison, the US has a murder rate of ~5/100,000 which is much higher than most other 1st world countries. The graph starts off at 9.5 and goes down to 6, so if this is based on real evidence it must have been a 3rd-world-ish country?

Now, one argument is that when you break it down a little further, violent crimes against women go down even more sharply than violent crimes against men. And some of that is explained by the difference in fighting ability between the average man and the average women. A gun increases a woman's ability to resist more, so crime against women goes down more than for men.

The graph doesn't seem to really show that... The rape graph shows a steep drop, but it only does from 1.7 -> 1.5... And those numbers seem suspect to me, too, or at least they must not mean what they appear to mean? According to wikipedia, 1/6 women report having been raped in their lives, which would indicate a much bigger number than 1.5 / 100,000 people... Though rape reporting is a tricky subject I guess.
I'm not familiar with the book - what are these graphs based on? What country/etc?

For the sake of comparison, the US has a murder rate of ~5/100,000 which is much higher than most other 1st world countries. The graph starts off at 9.5 and goes down to 6, so if this is based on real evidence it must have been a 3rd-world-ish country?

The graph doesn't seem to really show that... The rape graph shows a steep drop, but it only does from 1.7 -> 1.5... And those numbers seem suspect to me, too, or at least they must not mean what they appear to mean? According to wikipedia, 1/6 women report having been raped in their lives, which would indicate a much bigger number than 1.5 / 100,000 people... Though rape reporting is a tricky subject I guess.

When this was looked at the US muder rate was in the 9.8 range (early 90's)
As politely as possible: The wiki entry explains, briefly, the content of the book. The kindle edition is $5. Go forth and do your research.

More Guns, Less Crime is a book by John Lott that says violent crime rates go down when states pass "shall issue" concealed carry laws. He presents the results of his statistical analysis of crime data for every county in the United States during 29 years from 1977 to 2005

I guess maybe everybody already knew that...
So the graphs come from the US? What "concealed handgun laws" is it talking about?

It's from the US, and he's analyzing data sets for crime before and after "shall issue" laws were passed. So for example in one state or county if a law was passed in 1985, he looks at crime for years before and after 1985. If in another county or state a law was passed in 1989, he looks at data before and after 1989. And with the variable of the date of shall issue law held as a constant, he looks at how that relates to crime regardless of location.

Maybe I'm not explaining that as well as it could be explained. Like I said you'd want to get supporting documentation and references together and iron everything out before using this argument. My point though is you might want to look at that specific argument, reducing incidence of rape, as something that might stick with the public at large.

Also, the book is only about 340 pages not counting the rather large appendix of graphs and data sets. I'm only about half way through it at the moment, but from what I've read so far it seems like a must read for anyone arguing our side of this.
This is leadership!!
"For Immediate Release:
Contact – Andrew Hemingway

Candidate for NHGOP Chair Andrew Hemingway calls for the Immediate Removal of House Criminal Justice and Safety Chair, Laura Pantelakos

Yesterday at the NH State House, hundreds of citizens came together to provide testimony to the House Criminal Justice and Safety Committee in regards to HB 135. The citizens who took valuable time out of their busy schedules arrived and gave testimony both in support of and in opposition to HB 135. After a particularly moving statement from a citizen in opposition of HB 135, there were a few who clapped briefly showing their support. It was at this point that the Chair showed her true bias and her true ideology by saying, “Show some respect for the members of this committee. We are forced to sit here and suffer through this…I am not going to tolerate this!”

“Suffer through this” ...That is to say that the chairwoman listening to voters voicing their opinions on legislation is to suffer. This is the Democrat leadership’s opinion of listening to New Hampshire voters. This is without a doubt the most divisive, extreme leadership we have ever seen in the State House. Candidate for NHGOP Chair Andrew Hemingway, who attended the hearing yesterday, said “I was at the hearing and hundreds of citizens sacrificed time from their jobs and families to attend this hearing and were disrespected by the comments of the chairwoman. I am calling for her immediate removal as Chair of the committee. If the burden of listening to voters is too great for the chairwoman, than it is incumbent upon Speaker Norelli to remove her as chair and replace her with one that respects the voice of the people.”

He continued, “Following the removal of the Redress of Grievances committee and now these statements, it is becoming apparent that this Democrat-lead House is not interested in hearing from the citizens of New Hampshire. They were elected to represent the voters of New Hampshire, yet their unwillingness to listen begs the question: Who exactly are they representing?”
This is leadership!!
"For Immediate Release:
Contact – Andrew Hemingway

Candidate for NHGOP Chair Andrew Hemingway calls for the Immediate Removal of House Criminal Justice and Safety Chair, Laura Pantelakos

Yesterday at the NH State House, hundreds of citizens came together to provide testimony to the House Criminal Justice and Safety Committee in regards to HB 135. The citizens who took valuable time out of their busy schedules arrived and gave testimony both in support of and in opposition to HB 135. After a particularly moving statement from a citizen in opposition of HB 135, there were a few who clapped briefly showing their support. It was at this point that the Chair showed her true bias and her true ideology by saying, “Show some respect for the members of this committee. We are forced to sit here and suffer through this…I am not going to tolerate this!”

“Suffer through this” ...That is to say that the chairwoman listening to voters voicing their opinions on legislation is to suffer. This is the Democrat leadership’s opinion of listening to New Hampshire voters. This is without a doubt the most divisive, extreme leadership we have ever seen in the State House. Candidate for NHGOP Chair Andrew Hemingway, who attended the hearing yesterday, said “I was at the hearing and hundreds of citizens sacrificed time from their jobs and families to attend this hearing and were disrespected by the comments of the chairwoman. I am calling for her immediate removal as Chair of the committee. If the burden of listening to voters is too great for the chairwoman, than it is incumbent upon Speaker Norelli to remove her as chair and replace her with one that respects the voice of the people.”

He continued, “Following the removal of the Redress of Grievances committee and now these statements, it is becoming apparent that this Democrat-lead House is not interested in hearing from the citizens of New Hampshire. They were elected to represent the voters of New Hampshire, yet their unwillingness to listen begs the question: Who exactly are they representing?”

Thank god it's things like this that makes me feel that there is hope in saving this republic
My message to Andrew on Facebook:

Mr Andrew Hemingway,

As a perspective NH resident moving from MA, I was mortified by the remarks of Laura Pantelakos. I commend you for speaking up. The region needs more leaders willing to echo their constituents. We are tired of elected officials who come into office and believe they can push through their agenda without the consent of their constituents. Please do not relent on this position, as it will carry you far in the current political climate.

Shaun Sweeney
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