Never mind Florida man: meet Florida boy

I had a buddy ask me to do this to him once a few years ago because he thought I’d be one of the only people he knew he was sure wouldn’t miss the body armor.

I agreed to do it because why not. He chickened out thankfully, because I bet I would have too, eventually.

I blame alcohol. Lots of it.
What I don’t understand is how they’re charging the children as adults while charging them as adults for killing a child.. In my opinion they’re all equally retarded. I don’t know why you take one to the vest and then ask for another four…

We did some pretty stupid shit his kids and adults but this is over the top retarded.. I wish they showed photos of the vest rather than a stock photos. The ones in the photos probably would’ve worked… I also find it really strange they were doing this inside of their house. This is definitely an outside activity
I’m also curious what it would feel like to get shot in my vest but not enough to try it out. Hopefully I’ll never find out. I bet it hurts less than getting shot in the ass with rocksalt… That’s like wiping your ass with a hornets nest
I don’t know why you take one to the vest and then ask for another four…

This almost belongs in my random thought thread. But I’m really concerned that drugs and alcohol weren’t involved in this… Those are problems you can solve, you can’t solve stupid… I guess stupid solves itself
This almost belongs in my random thought thread. But I’m really concerned that drugs and alcohol weren’t involved in this… Those are problems you can solve, you can’t solve stupid… I guess stupid solves itself

It's Florida, no booze required for full batshit insanity. This was just "low IQ" probably. In FL its either low IQ, mental illness, booze, drugs or a combination of any the four. And thats how you get men getting angry at lawnmowers and firing a 380 at the motor mid afternoon after yelling at it, or kids shooting each other in a kevlar vest, you know, for um, entertainment.

Or this guy

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